Who is an Environmental Writer?

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Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2020

by ClickHelp — professional help authoring tool

The news about fires in Australia is nothing short of devastating. This is yet another warning for us all to take environmental matters more seriously and act!

The environment is so complex that it is not always a hundred percent clear what causes the change. However, through years of hard work and research scientists around the world were able to come up with the least we could do to try and sustain the fragile balance and work on reversing the negative impact of humans on nature.

It is not surprising that the new generation, Generation Z (people born in the late 90s), is so concerned about the environment choosing the brands that put the planet first, advocate for healthier food choices, animal protection, cleaner ways of producing products — by the time they were born humans managed to cause so much damage to the Earth that this is simply alarming.

Environment-oriented technical writing is not a trend but rather a necessity under the current circumstances. Without proper technical communication, it is going to be extremely hard to collaborate and make a change. And we sure need it.

What You Need to Know About Environmental Writing

This might be a great time to consider becoming an environmental writer. It is actually a very broad term. Writing about topics connected with the environment is what unites all environmental writers, but the types of technical documents they create, target audiences and goals can differ a lot.

They can create environmental news articles for blogs, magazines, describe industry trends; at the same time, environmental writing is required in government agencies, research centers, non-profit organizations.

A huge niche is occupied by technical writers creating user manuals and documentation for equipment, software, and products either environmental or scientific.

As for the average salary, considering how different these occupations can be, it can only be stated in rough figures, but we would like to give you at least something, so, for the U.S., salaries of environmental writers are going to average out to 55$. Again, keep in mind that these numbers can differ greatly.

Renewable Energy Writing

We would like to draw your attention to this particular area of environmental writing for a couple of reasons. Firstly, this industry is huge and keeps developing at a quick pace, and techcomm specialists are needed there. Secondly, this is a great opportunity to grow as a technical writer and make the world a better place!

To be part of this great industry you should be proactive, like:

  • Get to know the terminology. The issue with alternative energy writing is — this industry is developing in many countries simultaneously, so, new terms are being coined constantly. This does bring a lot of confusion to technical texts. To be a great alternative energy writer you will have to keep track of fresh articles, blogs, whitepapers on the topic.
  • Attend meetups and conferences. Meeting with peers and discussing the hot industry topics is a wonderful way to prepare yourself for the new role. Don’t worry about feeling like a newbie. It is completely normal. Listen to experts and soak in as much info as possible.


Technical writers are needed in practically all spheres you can think of. You can choose whatever you like. Taking into account various factors we have covered in this article, becoming an environmental writer is a great choice. ‘Green’ jobs are going to bloom in 2020 and the years to come.

Good luck with your technical writing!
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Originally published at https://clickhelp.com.



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