Write the Docs Conference in Prague

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2017

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp.com — software documentation tool

Portland conference in 2016

If you are a technical writer and you strive to constantly develop in this field, then you should be familiar with Write the Docs Community.

These guys set up meetups and conferences for Documentarians*, programmers, tech writers, developer advocates, customer support, marketers, and people experienced with software to share knowledge about communication and documentation.

Documentarian — a term for anyone who cares about the quality of documentation, and its impact on the users. [writethedocs]

One of such conferences was recently held in Prague, Czech Republic on September 10–12. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend it to give you a detailed review now, but we may judge from the impressions of its attendants.

Prague hosted quite a few technical minds recently:

Write the Docs’s speakers seem to have a good time there:

Speakers were both educational and inspiring:

Technical writing has never been easy:

Types of technical documentation in one scheme:

This one is about importance of simple language in techdocs:

Write the Docs conferences are not only about technical communication but also about software and fun:

Difference between Crowdsourcing and Open Source Software Development:

What a pity that I missed this September conference in Prague. But I’m going to attend the next one in the USA or Europe and I encourage you to do the same.

The next one-day Write the Docs event will take place in Melbourne, Australia, on November 24.

Learn more about Write the Docs Community and conferences.

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice,
Content Manager at ClickHelp.com — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at https://medium.com/level-up-web 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook