Level01: A Primer on the Game-Changing Peer-to-Peer Derivatives Exchange

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2 min readMay 26, 2018

Blockchain technology has proven to be a significant disruptor to many industries and markets across the world, and the fintech industry is no different. In fact, one only has to look at the sheer amount of time and money spent on distributed ledger technology research by the world’s biggest banking and finance institutions to know that there is much optimism surrounding the potential use cases for this technology within the industry.

Level01 has embraced this new wave of blockchain technology and used it to develop its proprietary platform, a peer-to-peer (P2P) derivatives exchange that allows investors to trade options contracts directly with one another, without requiring an intermediary or broker.

Level01 combines Distributed Ledger (DLT) Technology for transparent and automated trade settlement on the blockchain with Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics that provides fair value pricing dynamically to counterparties in a trade based on current and retrospective market data.

The platform intends to effectively removes all forms of friction in the user experience present in conventional exchanges such as fund deposits/withdrawals, multiple tier identity verifications, and wallet security concerns, thus allowing investors to fully focus on trading activities.

Driving the engine of the Level01 platform is the Level01 Exchange Token (LVX), an ERC23 token on the Ethereum blockchain that functions as a medium of exchange and store of value within the Level01 financial ecosystem.

The LVX token provides the means to transparent and fair settlement on the blockchain, because it can be handled/automated by smart contracts and programmatically disbursed to trade winners as trading profits. LVX tokens can also be ‘staked’ by investors to host trading rooms where group trading events are held, and investors earn traderoom hosting commissions. The staked tokens are reimbursed by the smart contract after a staking duration.

To find out more about Level01 and its upcoming token sale (to be announced), please visit their website or contact them through any of their social media channels:

Website: https://level01.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/level01platform
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/level01io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/level01io
Telegram: http://www.t.me/level01ico




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