MyWriting Portfolio (EN)

Rid Amsal
Levent Digital
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2022

Publisher : Maggotify (2022)
Platform : Instagram and LinkedIn
Type : Commercial
Industry : Waste management

Maggotify team and El Maggot BSF Dharmasraya


After two days of intensive learning and knowledge transfer, Aditya received a box of BSF larvae to start his journey as a breeder and bio-converter agent in Dharmasraya. Ryan will guide the work in progress of Aditya and Ronald, and Maggotify will continue to support themevery step of the way until we can establish a breeder network across West Sumatra. We urgently need to secure our food supply chain and begin building the wealth of our nation.

Thank you @adityaeka_16 and @09_ronaldi for visiting Maggotify Breeding Lab; thank you, @dody_ersha and @ryan_jamal89, for being such a great host and mentor.

@inbistek_unand @joinaldy @hendriseptapadang @sutanriska @infosumbar @infopadang_ @infodharmasraya_

#Maggotify #BSFmaggot #MaggotPadang #OrganicWasteWarrior #PadangBerdaya #OlahSampahJadiBerkah #SustainabilityDevelopmentGoals #umkmindonesia #WasteManagement #AyoOlahSampahOrganik

Publisher : Maggotify (2022)
Platform : Instagram and LinkedIn
Type : Commercial
Industry : Waste management

Bumiy shows her organic waste


In today’s post, we introduce you to our first participant in the 1 house 1 biopond (1H1B) initiative. When we presented ourselves to Mrs. Miya Maharani @bumiy21 , a.k.a Bumiy, her response was nothing but supportive. After hearing our explanation about 1H1B, the urge to get going asap arose, and now here we are.

So, what is the 1 house 1 biopond (1H1B) initiative?

1H1B initiative will enable households to upcycle their organic waste using BSF larvae. First, we will support the participant in knowledge, seed, and equipment. When the larvae mature for harvesting, we will collect and buy directly from them. It’s a win-win solution for everyone. First, there will be less waste going to landfills due to upcycling process. Second, the participant will be able to add another income source. Third, increase the availability and accessibility of alternative protein for animal feed. Last but not least is the byproduct of organic fertilizer from the BSF larvae breeding activities.

For the next few weeks, we will receive some updates on the growth of BSF larvae (maggots) from Bumiy. Follow @Maggotify and @Bumiy21 for the latest development. If you wish to join the convo and get discovered, feel free to use #MaggotifyDiary. See ya!

Publisher : Levent Digital (2022)
Platform : Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn
Type : Commercial
Industry : Fashion, Cultural

Publisher : Levent Digital (2022)
Platform : Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn
Type : Commercial
Industry : Automotive

Publisher : Levent Digital (2022)
Platform : Instagram
Type : Cultural
Industry : Fashion

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford that Docmart or your spikey lost hair, or you have a good sense of humour or else, you just like the atmosphere. We have one thing in common, “the attitude”.

A rascal, raw guitar sound, simple three-chords pattern and reckless desires. We are what we are, the menace who run our lives. “PUNKS NOT DEAD”

Publisher : Levent Digital (2022)
Platform : Instagram
Type : Commercial
Industry : Digital Marketing

Many companies spent millions on paid ads, mainly on FaceBook Ads and Google Ads. Yes, the result is instant. The more you spend, the more traffic you’ll get. The sky is the limit. In comparison, SEO lays foundationally in creativity and patience. Yes, one of the greatest virtues enables us to gain more in the long run. It allows the small entrepreneur to compete with big companies, investing only a fraction of a marketing cost in implementing SEO strategies.

Take no shortcut, give it a good two or three years to see the result, make your site a destination (resource) to your niche. Win the war on each battle. Most VC money burns in the paid media, creating a bloody red ocean. You can stand out by starting a well-practiced SEO at the blue ocean and letting the target market finds your business. Get it right; start now!

Publisher : Levent Digital(2021)
Platform : Instagram
Type : Commercial
Industry : Digital Marketing

Well, not everybody wants to win, join the big league, feasting at the big table. If you are one, call us now!

