The Creators Call Podcast

Jon Lazar
1 min readMay 11, 2016


In an exploration or education technology — or edutech, as it is sometimes called — I’ve launched the Creators Call podcast as a way to further explore the Future Tech foci (Experiential Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Maker Learning, and Biosyncing).

For the first episode, I interviewed Adam Williams, Lead Engineer at Sphero. We talk about eduction, robots, and BB-8. So tune in and check it out. You can find and subscribe to it on Apple iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, or any other podcatcher you may use.

Hope you like it, learn something, and tune in for future episodes from myself and the Future Technologies team!



Jon Lazar

Coder, Author, Lego Builder, Marathon Runner, Modder, Gamer, Blogger, Rabble Rouser