Aboutme app New inspiring design ideas

User interface and experience ideas by Vitalii Levets

Seek better
4 min readMar 6, 2014


Well, about.me is all about people. And those unique individual background photos they’re placing in profiles, right? Web site manages it alright, but what about an app? Why accuracy is still not there…

…I’d love to contribute my vision here

Let me just quietly point out some of the about.me current interface misleads, first.

To be honest, aside outdated design… functionality and interface itself is not that intuitive, either. Variety of inequable looking buttons performing same functions, repeating bios, different layouts of same cards, etc.

Best interface can be created exactly out of what about.me is about. And that’s what experience should be focused on.

“Profile photos” precisely, is what each and everyone notices first. Its where you get first impression of a person here, like a real life key meet-up. So, I suggest making that impression an awesome one :)

(click here to open Full-size illustration in new window)

Well, its not that necessary to have users bio first-handed, especially when lack of space requires shortening it. Better to provide it with another spot, accurately placing just one right-swipe away. Connected apps can be put next to it, just within another swipe. Here:

(click here to open Full-size illustration in new window)

Parallax effect can also be a part of new interface. Which will help to bring out the most of each photo.

What about new interface navigation revamp…
I had lots of issues with that “settings” icon (top right corner of a current app). Its not an application settings you get, when you tap it, as one might expect from a settings looking icon. Its Feed preferences. With a search field for tags. So much confusion with all of that.

After spending some time thinking how everything might work more intuitive from a simplicity perspective… this is what I’ve come up with, leaving just one Menu button, but with more precise and clear inwards. And here is what one might see, when taps it:

(click here to open Full-size illustration in new window)

Menu’s sliding from top (not from left side of the screen, as current app has). And that is where user will find everything he needs, Search, Feed preferences, Settings and so for, placed accurately within tabs architecture.

One more thing

Vertical scrolling, might work in a way photo slides switching usually performed, one profile card after another (each time making card stick to screen corners perfectly, no unstoppable motion).
Its also important for all text content and profile related functional to fade away during swiping, and reappear as soon as new card is exactly on its place.

(click here to open Full-size illustration in new window)

Other users interactions with your profile can be accurately placed in the bottom of the screen, within accustomed message line.

Okay, guess it might do the trick!
I believe this aboutme interface will provide users with an awesome new experience and create more fun ☺


Each of the designs can be tried on. These are direct links to iPhone5 screen size images (save it and open within a Camera roll):
Mockups of Vitalii Levets profile: 1st screen, 2nd screen, 3rd screen, menu
Mockups of Casey Anderson profile: 1st screen, 2nd screen
Mockups of Jessica Cantlope profile: 1st screen

Hit Recommend button, if you enjoyed the effort. Thanks.

If you’re curious about other things I create, follow me on twitter @vitalii
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I also publish my ideas at thingsvital.com



Seek better

Crafting experience & designing products millions enjoy. UX, UI, Product Design at @InsightTimer