Learn To Earn: The New Alpha

OhGeez DAO
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2022

The crypto community in recent times is well familiar with the Play-2-Earn concept where gamers are duly rewarded for just playing games. Hence; the title, play to earn. Having such concept in mind, The Dictator has created a new initiative for the DAO where L2E comes in. The initiative opens up an avenue where learners can simply earn by learning. Think of it as attending a tuition-free college, where one earns after getting full passes at the closure of a semester. Amazing, isn’t it? This new theory pays you simply for learning and it pays well especially when you consider how you can use the skills gained to make money in the future.

Noob Noob Much?

Who is Noob Noob? Noob Noob is a small masked character in the popular Rick earn(&) Morty sitcom.

Noob Noob

It should be no surprise to anyone familiar with the sitcom that Levx DAO lives rent-free in the world of Rick and Morty. Remember the DAO started simply as a joke mostly in reference to Rick & Morty. With The Dictator being our Rick and we the Mortys. Well, the joke now is a reality that prevails and it’s very obvious when you see the roles in the DAO server. They are very connected to the sitcom.

Now, in layman’s terms: Noob Noob is derived from the word newbie. Mostly formal with gamers, it is used to refer to inexperienced individuals in any aspect, could be games, music, whatsoever. However, in our DAO, Noob Noobs are entitled to certain privileges. And the word Noobs is tantamount to leaners here in Levx DAO.

How to L2E?

To fish out the noob noobs in the server, a general quiz will be released for everyone to participate in. For Mortys who pass, they will continue on their cyrpto journey as DeFi Power Users. Those who fail on the other hand will become Noob Noob.

L2E formulae: Noob Noob = Learners

After the first quiz, LevX DAO will release readable and watchable learning materials for noob noobs. Periodic quizzes will be released as well to test each Noob Noobs’ ability according to the materials released for learning consumption. Those who pass all quizzes will be rewarded with special prizes and will earn the DeFi Power User role as stated above.

Tweet To EARN


The Twitter noisemaking initiative is still very much alive. You can be a noisemaker by tweeting about SharkpunksNFT, not forgetting to tag the main page in your tweets. The more engagement and interaction you get, the more $LEVX you earn.

Welcome to a new world of earning; call it L2E & T2E.

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OhGeez DAO

Writer| Rapper| Comedian| Storyteller| Punster| BagOfTalent| I could go on, sadly I'm out of words.