Let’s get lexical

Joe Rivett
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2020

The world’s most influential language tells a fascinating tale by virtue of its very words. You could spend a lifetime studying the twists and turns in the tale of English, and people do.

I love the English language. If a language’s vocabulary can itself chart a history of invasions, trade, religions, migrations and colonial conquests then English manages that. In this blog I’m hoping to write about how English became English — the interesting, the bizarre, the mysteries, the connections and the mundane of our amazing lingua franca.

Inspired by Mark Forsyth, The Inky Fool https://blog.inkyfool.com/

And please note, I’m a hobbyist etymologist — I will make effort every to fact check everything I write about but sometimes I’ll probably be wrong or give a little too much credence to origins of words that aren’t substantiated. Apologies in advance.

