What Is Proof of Good? Leyline: NFTs That Represent the Future of Social Change

ANON 123
Leyline — NFTs For Good
5 min readOct 21, 2021

Research and experience have shown that we human beings innately care about the well-being of others. When given pathways to engage in altruistic acts, people from every background are drawn together as a single community to help those around them in need, without the expectation of extrinsic rewards. We at Leyline believe that this tendency exemplifies the best of humanity, and seek to facilitate and celebrate this kindness.

Charitable organizations serve as a vital tool to channel altruism, as they raise awareness of social and environmental issues, and give individuals the power to do something positive and meaningful. Successful charities help feed the hungry, rebuild homes after natural disasters, establish schools within undeserved communities, provide blood to those in need, among many other worthy causes. Although the world continues to be faced with challenges, communities have proven time and time again that amplifying the actions of a few can have a compounding effect, producing astounding results.

Unfortunately, while many people desire to volunteer their time, earning sufficient income to meet their basic living necessities often becomes an obstacle for their altruistic pursuits. In most cases, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are not able to provide adequate incentives or compensation to support volunteers, and, in fact, even lack the capital needed to adequately fulfill their missions. This has created a challenging environment for both charities and volunteers alike to make measurable impacts in the world. Blockchain technology will change that, and Leyline makes it easy and accessible for everyone.

A Path to Altruism

While we believe in the intrinsic value of solving big problems, we also recognize that money and investment is needed to drive philanthropic ecosystems. Therefore, one of Leyline’s unique functions involves creating a viable business model to fuel charities that can scale and evolve with society and technology. Leyline will generate revenue and redistribute funds into the very communities and causes where it is needed the most — improving lives, supporting communities in need, and sustaining our planet. In folk-lore, ley lines connected locations of spiritual significance. On our platform, Leyline connects and provides volunteers, support and funding to those in need throughout the world.

Currently, it’s estimated that 3.4 billion people worldwide struggle to meet their basic needs. Leyline seeks to provide imperiled people with a pathway out of poverty, and foster feedback loops of abundance, further unleashing humanity’s creativity and potential. In doing so, we believe that humanity will be better equipped to face the existential challenges that are before us.

Leyline’s Good Deed Recognition Multiplies Social Good

We’re building a Proof of Good Protocol, platform, and ecosystem to track and reward donations and volunteer activity. With these tools, we can recognize those in our global community who are making the world a better place, and help ensure they feel appreciated and rewarded. Through the collection of NFTs and Good Points (GP), volunteers can earn income to sustain their efforts — while sharing their stories and inspiring others to participate in philanthropic work. The positive feedback loops in this ecosystem ensure that the deeds of one can be amplified across a growing global community, accelerating progress towards accomplishing a greater breadth of charitable goals.

Choosing Your Cause

Users can earn Leyline NFTs by doing good deeds validated on our platform, as well as upgrading and evolving their collected NFTs. Each NFT is a Proof of Good: meaning your good acts are captured on the public blockchain to serve as inspiration for the rest of the world. You can chose to display them under your own name, or use a digital identity.

Similar to other NFTs, those minted by Leyline are immutable, unique and sought after by collectors. Each NFT reflects a Leyline member’s kind actions — their time and effort spent helping people and/or planet. Leyline infuses each NFT with our user’s acts of good, and melds it with unique art, videos and music, creating NFTs that continue to evolve and tell a complete story. A Leyline user’s combined collection of NFTs will paint a comprehensive story of the good they’ve done in the world.

Leyline users can also acquire GP tokens through any approved “Good” activities, which includes donating funds, blood, or computer power, teaching or studying an approved course, community cleanups, or any other activity supported on the platform. Soon, the community will have the ability to vote on what qualifies as a Proof of Good activity through the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Once earned, GP can be used to mint random NFTs, participate in NFT or crypto drops, or to level up previously earned NFTs. Leveling up NFTs unlocks additional assets that not only tell a more complete story of the NFT itself, but also capture the additional good a user has done to upgrade it. When NFTs are levelled up, the blockchain will update the digital asset’s metadata with the new philanthropic work done by the owner, further connecting ongoing good deeds to the blockchain. By encouraging users to earn their NFTs and crypto drops by doing good, Leyline becomes the first large-scale project to eliminate a financial barrier to NFT and crypto ownership, and, in fact, uses these coveted digital assets as rewards, rather than costs. Leyline has flipped the script.

Changing the World, One NFT at a Time

Leyline NFTs are an evolution of altruism which allows users to document proof of their good deeds with accuracy and reliability. Bringing together volunteers worldwide, we believe that we can help lift much of the world’s population out of poverty, while building a supportive community that expands our philanthropic reach. We at Leyline are excited for a future that unlocks the true, enduring value of NFT and blockchain technology by using it to mobilize meaningful social progress.

We would love to have you as part of our supportive global community!

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