MEDIA RELEASE: Bilateral free-migration the answer to skill shortages and population growth.

With the debate raging over Australia’s immigration policies and future population growth, Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm says bilateral free-migration agreements similar to what we have with New Zealand should be our first priority.

Former Senator David Leyonhjelm
Liberal Democrats
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2018


Writing in today’s The Australian Financial Review, Senator Leyonhjelm floated the proposal of forging bilateral free-migration agreements with other countries that have equivalent standards of living and liberal democratic institutions.

“Australians would appreciate the ability to live and work in partner countries, opening up a wide range of job opportunities and the potential to learn new skills, while their citizens could enjoy the same in Australia,” he said.

“Such agreements would be an asset to the Australian labour market without placing additional strain on economic resources.”

Senator Leyonhjelm said our labour free trade deal with New Zealand has served Australia well.

“Our sheep would never be shorn without Kiwi shearers and our mining industry during the boom would have needed thousands more 457 visa holders but for New Zealanders filling the many vacancies. Many Australians, particularly highly skilled workers, have filled positions in New Zealand too.”

Senator Leyonhjelm said the benefits of bilateral free-migration agreements become clear when compared with the granting each year of hundreds of thousands of visas providing permanent residency.

“Holders of permanent resident visas become eligible for Medicare immediately and for income support schemes like the dole after two years. If they arrive as a family reunion immigrant rather than a skilled migrant, there is a good chance they will become a net cost to taxpayers,” he said.

“Bilateral free-migration agreements make sense because they don’t necessarily result in any permanent change in our population, or become a drain on our welfare budget.”

Media: Kelly Burke 0408 734 586

