Lgame Big Secret Revealed 001 | EGT’s Launch on Huobi Global by FastTrack

Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2019

01 EGT’s Launch on Huobi Global by FastTrack

EGT will be officially launched on July 10thduringthe 2nd phase of FastTrack on Huobi. As an important partner of EGT, Lgame expresses sincere congratulations on EGT’s success of standing out of many other high-quality projects in FastTrack.

02 Purchase EGT at 50% Off the Market Price

During the 2nd phase of voting in Huobi FastTrack, voters of Egretia have the chance to purchase EGT at 50% off the market price if using HT.

03 More Good News Coming Soon!!

John He, Lgame CEO & co-founder of Lgame, promised that Lgame will reveal more “mysterious surprises” in the future, and continue to give back to its global community. Stay tuned!

Lgame and Egretia are both companies that make a shift to blockchain industry after years of exploration in traditional gaming industry. They share the same DNA missions. Unprecedented inspiration will be freed when the two encounter each other.

In a full-scale strategic relationship with Egretia, Lgame launched its first blockchain game BigBoss with EGT at the core. Within the first month after BigBoss’s release, Big Boss went viral in blockchain world. The amount of in-game purchase, EGT’s price, market capitalization, volume and other data all broke the industry records and continue to set new records. In the future, Lgame and Egretia will develop closer and deeper cooperation and jointly empower the innovation and development of blockchain gaming industry.

About Huobi FastTrack

FastTrack is an updated version of Huobi Prime Lite and it is one of the major ways for tokens to get listed on Huobi. FastTrack aims to attract high-quality projects that are already listed on other exchanges. These include popular projects with active community support globally. All eligible voters will have the opportunity to purchase launched coins at a discounted price.

More details about Huobi FastTrack, please check:




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Lgame uses trustable blockchain technology to create an open and transparent mind-blowing game ecosystem 3.0.