Lgame Creates an Open “Alipay+Steam” and Game-banking System for Blockchain Gaming Industry

Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2019

For decades video games have been a testing ground for all sorts of innovations in the digital universe, so it’s only logical that the trend continues with blockchain. Giants like Microsoft, Google, Tencent, and Alibaba have all made significant investments into blockchain gaming, hoping to proof-of-concept some of the blockchains’ most exciting future uses like, proof of identity/ownership, intellectual property protection, and digitally-represented transferrable stores of value.

Lgame, a Taiwanese-based blockchain technology company, is creating a platform to make it easier for both developers and gamers worldwide to enter the blockchain. Lgame provides users with a frictionless one-stop integration service, creating an open “Alipay+Steam” and game-banking system for the blockchain gaming industry.

In the early era of blockchain technology development, most of the industry’s attention was focused on developing public chains, leading to an industry imbalance for the neglected protocol and application layers, integral components for meaningful user adoption. And as such, the mainstream gaming community has no convenient onramp to enter the world of blockchain, slowing adoption.

The Lgame founding team saw this as an opportunity to eliminate the obstacles currently faced by game developers attempting to utilize mainstream public chains. With abundant industry experiences and ample resources, Lgame focuses on providing frictionless one-stop integration services for users and developers for the crucial economic aspect of the industry by creating an open payment and game-banking system for the blockchain.

Lgame’s project development process is divided into three phases:

In phase one Lgame will launch all sorts of popular blockchain games with the concept of “Gaming as Investment,” by adopting the world-class gaming engine technology from Egretia and containing user-friendly mining modes and features. Profits will be redistributed to loyal community supporters, driving traffic onto the platform. Frictionless transactions and unique features are added like, mini futures contracts, a Lgame OTC Market, and Lgame Wealth Management will create a complete traffic aggregation portal.

Phase two is the launch of the “Interstellar Payment System,” the open “Alipay-esque” payment system, and the creation of the Lgame OTC Market. The Lgame Foundation will also launch a regulatory economic policy control unit to administer all IGOs through exchanges within the Lgame ecosystem.

In phase three Lgame modules and protocols will be used to assist other related industry enterprises to accelerate their construction and expansion. Each enterprises’ individual ecosystem will overlap to build a massive ecosystem with unlimited imagination and growth potential.

Follow us through the platforms below to learn more:

Website: https://www.lgame.io/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lgame/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lgame_io

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lgame.io

Medium: https://medium.com/lgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDqhsQBed0diF1alVETH9vw



Editor for

Lgame uses trustable blockchain technology to create an open and transparent mind-blowing game ecosystem 3.0.