Discord Server Moderation Tips

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2 min readJun 24, 2018

Hello everyone, today I bring you some Discord Server Moderation Tips. I am the owner of a Discord Server with well over 600 members.

In this article, I will address some tips and tricks I have learned over two years on my own server.

Securing Your Account

This is the most important thing and you must secure it. You do not want the wrong hands getting on your account so to help secure it I recommend enabling Two Factor Authentication (2FA). 2FA is a quick and easy way to add an extra layer of security to your Discord Account. For help on enabling this please click here.

Securing Your Server

Securing a Discord Server can be extremely difficult but there are many tools out there to help you do this such as bots but which bot do we choose? There are many Discord bots out there, however, I recommend using Mee6! Mee6 is a feature-packed bot with many auto-moderation tools to secure your fortress.

Mee6 can protect against:

Now that you have got your moderation bot setup, you may want to invest some time in getting an introductions channel set up. These are very effective at keeping your server secure. An introduction channel should only be seen with an information channel when users first join your Discord Server. Getting it set up is easy:

  • Create a role named “Verified” or something similar
  • Disallow the @everyone role from being able to read all other channels
  • Create a welcome with some information about your server and tell them to gain access they must give a short introduction and then create an introduction channel and allow the @everyone role to read and type in it
  • Now you’re good to go once a user types in the introductions channel have staff give them the “Verified” role to gain access to your server.

This is a great way to prevent raiders from gaining access to your server.

Rules are also an extremely important aspect in moderation, with rules members know what and what they aren’t allowed to do, they also help staff in there moderation role. For some rules to start with I’d say No Racism, No NSFW, No Drama, Listen to Staff, Use Common Sense.

Who you choose to moderate your server is also extremely important. Do not go giving moderator to your friends/active members. Make sure that these people have some experience and can control their temper.

That’s it, I recommend you browse around for more security bots or even invest some time on programming your own!

Feel free to share this article around and join our Discord server for some ideas.

