
Shaun J Phree
Published in
9 min readOct 12, 2018

Never (Fiction Short Story)

“photography of man and woman resting” by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

“Let me call you back. You know I hate sitting on the phone while I’m walking.” I lied to Alex. I usually don’t lie to my friends but I can barely call Alex a friend. He just doesn’t understand the word no, it doesn’t matter how I dress it up. “Alex. I’ll call you back when I get home.” Damn. I hung up on him.

“What’s good Chyna?” Jason inquired.

“Nothing much. Just going to Julie’s for a burger, how have you been J?” I responded. Every time I walk this block some guy tries to get my number. It doesn’t matter how many times I say no, they are persistent. I know all of them. I’ve given all the guys I had interest in, a chance. None of them worked out.

“I’ll be better when you let me take you out,” he pleaded as I walked past him.

“You already know how I feel about that babe.” I waved him off. Seems like if I say no, I’m conceded or a bitch. I’m neither. I know my soul mate is out there…he just has to find me. I can’t accept less. I made that mistake once. I fell in love with a guy I knew wasn’t for me and I was hurt. From that point on, I vowed to follow my first impression. My first impression right now is telling me to feed myself.

“Um, can I have a double cheeseburger with the works, a large onion ring, and a small strawberry smoothie? And, don’t skimp me on the strawberries like you did last time,” I ordered.

“Com on now Chyna, you know I would never skimp your sexy ass. I always give you extra strawberries even though you don’t give me no attention,” the cashier flirted.

“Boy please, fix my food,” I paid.

As I turned my back on the cashier…oh my sexiness…I ran into a chocolate god. Fresh white mid-tops, royal blue basketball shorts covering half his sweaty calves, bulge looking directly at me, white t-shirt without sleeves hiding his sculpted glistening arms, full pink lips, braided hair, milk chocolate skin, and deep brown eyes staring right at me.

“Oh, hi, excuse me,” I played it off and kept walking.

This gorgeous specimen was just over six feet tall and 200 lbs of pure muscle. He was FINE, beyond fine. I don’t know how long I was staring at him but I know he knew I was looking at him.

“It’s cool Brown Sugar,” he smiled. The bass in his voice sent ripples down my spine and landed between my legs. I stalled, turned around, and gazed at him. Was he talking to me?

“Yeah, I’m talking to you Brown Sugar,” he answered an unasked question.

“Brown Sugar?” I shrugged him off.

“Yeah, with that sexy brown skin and that sweet smile.” I knew he was running game but dammit if it didn’t work. I still ignored him and took a seat. He ordered his food and sat so close to me I could smell his sweat beading off his body. I don’t know what was wrong with me but I swear I thought about licking the sweat off his neck.

“Are you going to tell me your name or am I going to have to keep calling you Brown Sugar?”

“I’m not going to tell you my name, so I guess you’ll just have to call me Brown Sugar,” I giggled. What the hell is wrong with me, I don’t giggle like a little girl. This guy has me shook.

“Well I’m Jay, nice to meet you Brown Sugar.” He offered his hand. I smiled and shook his hand. He held on to my hand. As we sat and talked, I concentrated on the number the cashier gave me. 147. He told me he is from Detroit but came here to take care of his sick aunt. So sweet. 147. He was 19, pre-law. He’s just a year younger than me. 147. He was still holding my hand, caressing me. 147.

“147!” the cashier yelled, definitely trying to interrupt my conversation. Hater. Jay slowly released my hand. I reluctantly collected my food, he followed. We left Julie’s together, talking. We walked. There weren’t sounds or people, just him and I. Before I knew it we were at my steps. I had a decision to make.

“Um, would you like to come up?” I stared on my feet waiting for his answer, hoping I wasn’t being too forward. He lifted my eyes to him by my chin.

“I’d love to,” he responded. We made our way into my apartment. He held each door open for me, continued to carry all of our food, and his smile radiated through my body.

“Want to watch a movie?” I offered.

“What are we watching?” he asked.

“Brown Sugar,” I laughed.

“Sweet.” He smiled that sexy ass smile and she jumped. Guys aren’t the only ones that think with whats between their legs. She was yelling and screaming for him.

While we watched the movie we both already saw, we talked. Every time he looked at me she responded. By the time we were half way through the movie she was throbbing for him and my thong was soaked. I tried to just watch the movie but he was unapologetically watching me. Before I knew what she was doing, I was straddling him and we were locked together by our lips. I opening obliged his hands forcefully taking over my body. His fingers digging into my ass through my yoga pants, I wanted him to rib my pants off. The conversation she was having with his dick was intense and not altered by my clothes. I was going to have sex with him after knowing him just a few hours, there’s a first time for everything.

“Excuse me,” I pushed him against the couch and reluctantly lifted my body from his. “I need…the bathroom…I’ll be right back.” I stuttered while pointed towards my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and wondered if I was really going through with this. Inhale, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale. I was being childish.

He knocked on the door, “Everything okay?”.

Sigh, “Yeah, I’ll be right out.” Alright Chyna get yourself together.

“You sure?” he asked.

I opened the door, “I’m sure.” I pulled him into me. We resumed devouring each other past our physical. I could feel his heart beat through my body, his essence engulf me. He still smelled of sweat and outside, I loved it.

“Damn girl you sexy,” he whispered. He flipped off the light, wrapped his arms around my waist and put me on the bathroom sink. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held on for dear life. I wanted him. I needed him. He kissed. He licked. He sucked. I melted.

“Your lips, “ I moaned.

“You have no idea,” he intrigued me. His tongue and lips traced my breasts, nipples, down my stomach, and landed on my inner thigh. I couldn’t tell you how I ended up without my shirt, bra, or yoga pants. He paused.

“Plllllleeeeeease don’t stop,” I begged.

His tongue grazed my clit and I came instantly. I’d never cum that fast in my life. That didn’t stop him. It was like I was his air since it didn’t seem like he took a breath. His fingers dug into my thighs and I begged him to dig harder. The mixture of pain, pleasure, and him caused me to lose count of how many times I came after the third. My turn. I pressed his body against the sink, dropped to my knees, and pulled down his shorts. Instead of allowing me to repay him, he picked me up. I could taste my nectar on his lips. His dick danced between my lips like it was asking permission. I answered by letting it slide in just a bit so he could feel how wet I was for him. He backed up, put on a condom and he was in me…deep. She wrapped around his dick like a glove. Slow and deep, faster, deeper, until my nails left their marks on his back and my body shuddered out of control. He didn’t stop. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I came again before I could regain my composure. I thought his climax was a signal of our night ending, I was gratefully wrong.

He carried me to my bedroom, re-wrapped his dick and we started again. My legs over his shoulders, I welcomed him as deep as I could. I had no control over what was going on, I came just from the thought. He used my body for his pleasure and maintained my ecstasy. I released myself to him, submitted completely to him. Doggy style. Then nothing.

“Beg,” he commanded.

“Please daddy. Please don’t stop. Please!” I begged. It slipped out my mouth before I realized it.

He gripped my waist, picked me up, and we kept going. I held on to his neck for dear orgasm. Something on my floor caught my eye, broken condom. At that moment, I didn’t care. I rode him to two more orgasms. I said things that night that I would never repeat. So many firsts it was hard to keep track. We worked so many positions, I felt like I was in a full workout. My chest against the wall with his hand around my neck. I came. My back against the wall with my legs on his shoulders. I came. Doggy style over my desk. I came. Screaming daddy, telling him this pussy was his. Shit if that man didn’t lay claim to my sugar when he laid that pipe.

We dropped to the floor like two wet towels. “Going to take a shower,” he kissed me.

After I regained the use of my legs I showered and laid on his chest. I was a little upset because I was still naked and he had on a beater and boxers but I was too tired to fight it. I had to admit I was dick-notized, tongue whipped, more than that I was Jay whipped. He did things to my body I never dreamed of. He pulled me closer as we fell asleep.

“No!.” The next morning I work alone. This couldn’t have been some one night stand or a dream. Where did he go? I walked through my apartment hoping to see him chilling somewhere but he wasn’t. God, why do you tease me. I noticed something glisten on my floor. It was a card holder. I assumed it was his so I jumped on my bed, before I could rummage through it I noticed a note on my night stand. How did I miss that?

I want to see you again.

Call me, 555–6378.


“Yes, yes yes!” I jumped on my bed. I was so relieved and happy I forgot about the card holder in my hand. I sat back down and rummaged away. Champs discount card, Starbucks card. I couldn’t stop smiling until I looked at the other cards. Video membership card, MasterCard, all with the name: JaLynn C. Towers. Does he have a girlfriend? As I kept going I found a gym membership and AAA card with the same name. I figured eventually I’d find his driver’s license and I found an expired one. It had a sexy ass picture of my fine King but then I read:

JaLynn C. Towers

Sex: F

I didn’t understand at first. It was his picture but with a female’s name. According to the license, the guy in the picture was a…girl. He couldn’t be a she. This had to be a mistake. The night ran through my head like a movie. It started to seem like it could be true. Was Jay, JaLynn? He never took off his beater or boxers and wouldn’t let me touch his dick at all. My perfect guy is a girl? I didn’t know what to think or do. Would he tell people? How many people already know or saw us together? He was so attentive, he listened, and he was amazing. Every part of our time together was perfect. I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at the note and the license. I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t or could I.

