UK Schools to FINALLY Teach Same Sex Relationships and Gender Identity.

Stu Laurie
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2018
Teacher writing on whiteboard. Photo by

Scrolling through Twitter (instead of working), I spotted a PinkNews article. It told me that Sex Education, referenced here as Sex and Relationship Education, will now include education into same sex relationships and gender fluidity. How awesome is that?

It made me think about the sex education I received at school. Everything, EVERYTHING, was geared towards the heterosexual experience so for me I felt completely lost. As with many things in my younger years, I just felt like the entire world was geared towards an existence that I didn’t relate to.

And so, a lot of my sex education came from porn, as it did for most gay guys my age. That really isn’t a healthy way to learn about sex, but it especially isn’t a good way to learn about relationships. You go into it believing that that’s how it should be but as we know porn isn’t realistic in terms of relationships and life. What it actually gave me was a huge complex about sex, and how crap at it I was because I wasn’t having porn sex. How freaking ridiculous is that? And I was clueless as to how a gay relationship should look.

Had I had an education into the sex and the relationships that I was going to be having as an adult, and a realistic education, I would’ve been better prepared for what was actually healthy. Not only this, but by showing children at Primary School age that these relationships exist and should be treated as just as acceptable as any other relationship, we open up doors for children to understand the beautiful rainbow world in which we now live and to grow into accepting and well-adjusted adults.

Same sex relationship. Photo by @sharonmccutcheon

Not that everyone feels the same, of course. There have been discussions about same sex relationships being included in school sex education for years, and it has always been met with opposition. I’ve heard a few arguments that state it’s ‘forcing’ it on children, and that it will turn them gay. This is obviously a strong argument, because spending my entire childhood surrounded by heterosexuality I’m as straight as they come, ask my husband. It’s such a cop out response, and so illogical that it actually makes me angry.

There’s this kind of feeling that because different lifestyles, genders, sexual orientations are becoming more prevalent and widely visible that the gays are trying to take over the world, which is bullshit. We want to live in the world that we have as much right to as anyone else, and we have the right to the same education, the same exposure and the same treatment as anyone else.

This is why I think this is a great step forwards. It’s dealing with an issue at the base level, by teaching young children about all of the differences in the world you aren’t corrupting their mind, you’re opening it up and allowing for more acceptance and tolerance to grow with our next generations.

I’m assuming they will still have to put a condom on a cucumber, if not, is it really sex education?

Sex education. Gif by GIPHY

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Stu Laurie

Writer/Screenwriter/Producer based in the UK.