A Brief Record of Kamala Harris’ Service for The LGBTQ+ community

LGBTQ Community
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2020

When you have not seen the information well, let’s split it to you: presidential candidate Joe Biden has called senator Kamala Harris because his Vice President running mate.

Harris has made history, becoming the first black South African American female to be nominated for its function. Having an impressive record financing LGBTQ+ policy, the Californian Democrat senator has rapidly turned into a favorite alternative since Biden’s running partner, actually landing a Twitter acceptance with no further than Taylor Swift.

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There is no questions about it, standing as a possible VP having a powerful allyship using all the queer community, so Kamala sets Biden at a favourable situation with prospective voters.

Senator Harris, 55, fell from the presidential race this past year after failing to make headway in her bid to win the Democratic nomination.

A brief Return in Kamala Harris’ running record of LGBTQ+ allyship

Harris has publicly backed several strong moments that have benefited the city. From her decision to not support the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in 2008. After marriage equality has been restored to California at 2013, Harris officiated the very first union as a daring statement.

Reputation as a senator,’’ Harris also introduced legislation to guarantee and safeguard LGBTQ+ Americans against discrimination. In 2018, she introduced Do No Harm Act to avoid the usage of religious beliefs to be utilized as a way to discriminate against the city.

Harris has frequently been outspoken against Trump, condemning the president’s elimination of LGBTQ+ health-related information across federal websites. The senator later announced her support to the Equality Act, also shortly vocalised her support for enabling transgender people to have equal access to public restrooms.

She also 19 senators signed a letter to President Trump condemning the government’s elimination of LGBTQ+ health-related information from federal websites, also declared her support for the Equality Act and for allowing transgender people equal access public lodging, such as to restrooms that suit their gender identity.

I’ll fight for equality. We saw great success concerning marriage. But there is still not full equality for all members of the LGBTQ+ network, which relates to housing, it relates to employment, it relates to education, and a number of other issues.”

However, although Harris is known for championing equality and the LGBTQ+ community, the newly nominated VP has also encouraged several questionable policies, including backing a law that targeted parents of chronically truant kids.

At 2015, as California attorney general, Harris argued, on behalf of this state, to withhold gender reassignment surgery from two transgender offenders who were prescribed the procedure while serving their sentences.

So, make of this what you may, but the nominated VP has some questions to answer when it comes to protections of this LGBTQ+ network.

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