BREAKING NEWS: Media Remains Silent About D.C Protest. Record Amount of Arrests Made.

Kai Lewandowski
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2016

Right now, there are hundreds of peaceful protesters being arrested outside of Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The protesters made it to the U.S Capitol Building after a 150 mile march from the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.

The goal of the protest according to the Democracy Springs website is to “demand a Congress that will take immediate action to end the corruption of big money in our politics and ensure free and fair elections in which every America has an equal voice.” The website also reports that at-least 3,600 people pledged to be part of this protest.

The Young Turks host, Cenk Uygur, also attended to protest.

“They can arrest us today and they can arrest us tomorrow, but we’re gonna keep coming back. They can’t arrest the whole country.” — Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks

According to multiple reports, there have been a record number of arrests during this protest. The issue is, where is the media coverage? I personally reached out some local news stations, and was ignored completely by them and my posts to the page were deleted initially. The two news companies I contacted was Action News Jacksonville, and WJXT4 The Local Station.

The protest is reportedly supposed to last until April 18th. I will continue to cover this story as more info is made is made available.

Update: Action News Jacksonville did respond, after I sent them this article.

“Hi, thanks for sharing. We’ll keep an eye out for stories from our affiliates in the area.” -Action News Jacksonville Facebook page.

