Transgender Politics

Cis woman subjected to anti-trans laws!

Will Cis women be subjected to the anti-trans laws that are now popping up in the United States?

Beauty Girl


Photo by Shalom de León on Unsplash

It is very interesting that the issues with the trans-gender population especially the ones that are targeting trans-women in general are also going to be causing some major issues with the population of Cis Women.

Now you might not think that is the case but actually, there is a whole other issue at hand that is not even under consideration by all the women that are for the anti-transgender laws, especially the ones that are targeting the bathroom rights movement against trans-women. The Cis Women Will be subjected to the same laws and the restroom as well as other places when it comes to being a woman and left alone.

Okay, you might disagree with me on this which is totally fine, but you have to recognize that the issue with Trans-woman is that there not able to pass well enough to enter a bathroom un-noticed. But the problem has to do with the fact that the majority of women in general might not even measure up to the acceptable passing requirements Trans individuals put themselves through in order to pass. You have so many Cis women that are not even close to passing according to a trans-gender acceptance, but they never question their gender. However, that questionable approach is going to be judged by everyone around them.

Let's think about this for a second only applying this to a bathroom law, which is like one tiny law under the list of so many. So you a Cis Woman who has a masculine approach, now this could be anything from a “Tomboy to a Masc-Lesbian or any variations of the sorts” The thing is you don’t dress like the typical girl. Now you enter a bathroom, and you are flagged because you don’t look fem enough for someone to accept you as a female, crossing the boundaries of if you should be allowed in the bathroom, even though you know you are a woman, the public may call into question that you are. Perhaps this question will make you get judged as if you were a trans-woman when in fact you are a Cis woman.

Now, if this happens would you be accepted in a public bathroom, would you pass according to the standards of what a woman is supposed to look like? Are you the next victim in a public place that could be miss gendered only because of the social media and political laws targeting your gender because you might or might not be female enough to not be questioned?

At what point will this step into your boundaries and start assuming that normal Cis-women are trans based solely on their appearance? After all, I have already been reading reports of people being questioned about their gender only because they look Masculine.

I just hope those females who pass the law can look to the person beside them or someone they don’t know and ask, do I pass as a woman or do I look too masculine, I am also 100% positive that this day will come, and for some it already has.

So if you are a person that will be making this law and voting in, ask yourself this question, is there any chance that I will be policed and subjected to an Anti-trans law if I was presented with a situation where my gender was in question?



Beauty Girl

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”