Transgender Politics

Transgender Witches Trials

The hunt for transgender individuals is like the hunt for witches.

Beauty Girl


Photo by Markus Clemens on Unsplash

I feel like we are at a stage in history where we are back to putting Witches on Trial and then there is no way to tell if they are witches or not. Basically meaning that we are back to the same medieval situation where people were accused of being witches. The cross-over has to be where Trans-gender people are on trial for being Trans- but you can’t always tell if they are Trans or not and even Cis-women are going through the situation of are you trans or are you female? “Are you a Witch or are you not?”

I mean seriously like is that how we are going to be in life where we are putting an entire culture, entire gender spectrum on trial here like we did in medieval times for witches?

This is a sad time when the entire civilization has not become any better than that of medieval times when we are putting people on trial because we don’t understand them or don’t accept them anymore. What is this going to end up being a Witch hunt trial for those that are Trans-gender?

Seriously, this is going on like a simple manhunt or a slaughterhouse for individuals that are trans-gender and we are just letting it happen. We have literally become no better than the kings and queens of medieval times or even further back. Our technology and our advancement in civilization have basically taken their toll on itself, and rewinding, or repeating history all over again just many years later and against a different culture.

I don’t think for one second that our modern times have made any advancement in acceptance, and unity, even with all that we think we have accomplished we still revert back to the classic cave-man style logic when it comes to not accepting things that they don’t understand.

Welcome to the Trans-gender Witch Hunt!!!!



Beauty Girl

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”