Transgender Politics

Who follows the outrageous anti-trans Bathroom Laws?

The old but now reoccurring bathroom laws and Trans-Gender people.

Beauty Girl


Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

Honestly, the bathroom laws were a thing of the past but due to the massive wave of new discriminatory laws targeting trans individuals, it has recently come back to light. The wave of bathroom laws is popping back up in new proposed laws in conjunction with the anti-trans medical laws targeting our youth.

These bathroom laws are causing even more problems for trans individuals because of what they do to everyone who has to live with gender dysphoria. However, on a good note, Biden did actually have a law passed to change the bathrooms of the single stall to be non-binary or available to everyone basically. Although I think this is moving in the right direction, I don’t believe that it is anywhere near enough with the current wave of laws thrusting themselves through the states on the votes of republicans.

The laws of the bathroom shouldn’t be that big of an issue, and while this is a very heavy, controversial situation, I do believe that there has to be some type of protection for individuals in the bathroom, even as a trans woman, or trans man.

So with the idea that you are attempting to protect other women in the female restroom, it would be very rare that a man would need protection from a trans male. Ideally, the situation comes down to the amount of transition a person has undergone to be accepted.

Okay, hear me out for a second before you go off on a rampage on my hopefully not one-sided reference.

I am going to focus on trans women and female restrooms because this seems to be the larger topic at hand, protecting females in the restroom. “Sure we can all agree hands down that you women in the bathroom should be protected.” So if you can agree to this, the controversy is that claim that not all trans women are women, which is very disrespectful and disgraceful, but not only that it is discriminating; But let's hold on to that for a second for you anti-trans women supporters.

So with this anti-trans point of view, if this is the case let me ask the cis anti-trans women a question. — Would you feel safe in a male's bathroom? — The majority of the answer to that is probably a massive NO by comparison. However, that same question comes up when you ask an anti-trans cis woman — Do you feel safe with a Trans-woman in the women's restroom? — Again you are meat with a large majority answer of NO.

“General information gathered through assorted articles.”

Okay, so we have established that a woman would not feel safe around other men in the public bathroom. So let me ask you, — Do you believe that a Trans-woman is safe using a male's bathroom? — This answer is likely the same, NO. So with this in mind, the other question is — Do you believe that a Trans-woman would be safer in the woman's bathroom? — If you believe the answer is NO, then you couldn’t be further from the truth, and actually, from a trans-woman, the answer is YES, we feel safer in the women’s restroom.

Okay so after thinking about this you need to gather your thoughts a bit because we have two questions that purpose a challenge if a cis-woman believes a trans-woman is male. You don’t feel safe with a trans-woman in the restroom but a trans-woman is not safe in the male's restroom. This leads you to question where it is a trans-woman should use the restroom, is this another segregation situation.

I recall watching a movie on TV called “Hidden Figures”, where a black African American woman was working at work, she was getting fussed out because while taking her lunch break she would also show back up to the work 30 minutes past her lunch break every single day. Her response was shocking, she was not allowed to use the restroom at the job because it was not for colored people, and very racist. Anyways, this forced her to walk I believe 3 miles down the road just to find a bathroom of color to use and then walk back because she couldn’t use the restroom during her work day because of discrimination.

So what I am getting at exactly is that we are now back into the same situation with trans-gender individuals having to go and find a restroom that is sometimes unknown locations, while others are located in a different place just to be able to use the restroom. We are implying Gender Discrimination now, segregating others from Trans individuals.

So exactly what is a just and assuring way should someone should be allowed to use the restrooms? I am sure some may disagree with this but I believe that the clause of “Majority Passing” should be something we should consider here for both safety and for civilization to recognize acceptance. Now when I say Majority Passing, I am assuming that the person has been living as a woman, (is) Taking hormones to work on their transition as required legally to be the opposite gender. Recognized by appearance, not what's between their legs as the gender they appear most like, with Non-binary using whichever restroom they identify most with or gender-neutral restrooms if available.

For the safety of women in general, I highly believe that trans-women should be on HRT and in the process of physically changing in order to use the female restroom. With Post-op Vaginoplasty having no issues at all using a female restroom. While I do believe that all trans-women are women, call what you will, those without HRT affecting their body are still living with testosterone the strength of any other cis-male, and have the similar impulses of a man, even if the intentions are stronger femininity. I would even feel concerned for my safety as a post-op female using a restroom with someone who is not presenting and acting accordingly to a female.

However, someone who is undergoing HRT is going to present and display female characteristics much more than someone who has not undergone any HRT; such as Physical changes, mood changes, breasts, body fat redistribution, body and facial hair reduction, and mental changes.

Spotting someone who still has a beard, someone who is cross-dressing and is clearly visibility would not be acceptable in my opinion in a public women's everyday bathroom. — “If you disagree, I would ask you to challenge me against this, because I would love to know what makes you think this would be acceptable.” —

Clearly, I am a Trans-Woman and I wouldn’t tell the average person this as I don’t even use the term trans anymore since my Post-op, but I understand that women including myself do require protection, but I don’t believe that all trans-women should be allowed to use the female restroom just because you say you are a trans-woman, you should be able to pass or be in the process of transition with assisted HRT, Puberty Blockers, beta-blockers, and/or surgeries to back up your desire. While I believe I will catch hate, my reasons are about as close as I can think of to fair for all genders.

All women, including trans-women, are scared of the potential of being attacked, raped, or murdered, and in the best interest of protecting women -which- including trans-women, there do have to be some guidelines that are reasonable and fair to all individuals.



Beauty Girl

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”