7 Powerful Quotes That Will Change the Way You Think About Gender

All human beings matter equally.

Zada Kent
6 min readJan 27, 2021


Let’s Normalize Gender Diversity and Equality created with Canva

As an avid collector of quotes, I love finding ones that speak to my heart. This collection speaks loudly about the importance of gender diversity and equality.

But you don’t have to just take my word for it. Here are seven influential individuals from all different walks of life to tell you themselves.

1. “Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong.” — Emma Watson

This isn’t the first time I’ve read a quote by Ms. Watson where she expressed strong opinions on gender equality. Her online rebuttals against She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has brought her lots of attention from many of her Twitter fans.

It’s important to stop insisting our kids adhere to outdated, colonial-styled gender roles. Human beings are individuals with individual needs, wants, desires, characteristics, and expressions.

Being masculine is not exclusive to men. Being feminine is not exclusive to women. There is far too much scientific research and data now to continue to uphold the gender-binary. It’s been proven over and over again that there are many more than two different genders.

Emma Watson understands that. She’s a real-life superhero, the type of person anyone would want in their corner to fight for them.

2. “Girls are not machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.” — Sylvia Plath

The first time I read this quote, I choked on my coffee. It’s obvious Ms. Plath was a passionate advocate for gender equality.

Her literary works are must-reads for anyone wanting to understand feminism and gender equality better. Her prose speaks volumes on the inequality so many women have endured due to outdated traditional gender-roles. She also brings startling attention to the injustices many women suffered in medical and psychiatric care during the 1950s and ’60s.

Whether her words are read or heard, Sylvia Plath’s prose advocates for gender equality. Had she lived beyond thirty-years-old, I imagine she’d still be writing and speaking out for her beliefs which would now include the equality and fair treatment of all human beings regardless of their gender.

3. “Being transgender is not just a medical transition; it’s discovering who you are, living your life authentically, loving yourself, and spreading that love towards other people and accepting one another no matter the difference.” — Jazz Jennings

Jazz Jennings has become a household name. The television star has been very open regarding her transition with the public, offering an inside look into her personal life and her family’s.

What I like most about the show is how it explores not only Jazz’s physical transition, but her social, mental, and emotional transitions as well.

At age fourteen Jazz shared what it’s like to receive death threats with audiences of the show, I Am Jazz. We get to watch the reactions of Jazz and her entire family as they process hateful and threatening comments left for her online.

40% of transgender and nonbinary youth reported being physically threatened or harmed in their lifetime due to their gender identity — The Trevor Project

Jazz is now twenty-years-old and still bravely advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

4. “I’m not ashamed to dress ‘like a woman’ because I don’t think it’s shameful to be a woman.” — Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop in little black dress
Iggy Pop for T Magazine, 2011, Photography by Mikael Jansson

This quote might be one of my all-time favorites. Who knew the Godfather of Punk was such a feminist?

Other than his outrageous stage antics and interesting movie roles, I’d never known much about Iggy or listened to much of his music prior to stumbling across this gem of a quote.

But now I have a whole new perspective and interest in this eccentric and authentic man of seventy-four.

Spending most of his time creating music, performing live shows, and acting, he also seizes moments to voice his opinions on gender equality as well as gender expression.

For anyone willing to look, his fashion preferences are apparent signs that Iggy Pop is a big believer in individual expression regardless of gender or sexuality.

5. “It’s important that all women have a voice in feminism. If we’re prioritizing the needs of straight, white, cis women from oppressed minority groups, then we’re not all that different from the patriarchy.” — Claudia Boleyn

This reminds me of all the arguments and debates that broke out across the internet regarding the fact that transwomen are real women.

We need to be cautious when any group that seems to be fighting for equality is restricting their cause to a select few. Not only do we need to be diligent in our quest for true gender equality, but it’s also imperative we include all human beings of all genders, races, and cultures in our fight.

6. “My coach said I run like a girl. And I said if he ran a little faster, he could too. “— Mia Hamm

This quote comes from a two-time Olympic gold medalist. Now retired from the professional soccer field, she spends much of her time developing more opportunities for young girls in sports.

Throughout her career, Mia showed the world the power and strength women have as well as how a team of women can achieve great things.

Charlotte Clymer, press secretary at the Human Rights Campaign, wrote a personal essay referencing how Mia Hamm became an icon to her as a young trans girl in conservative Texas. It seems she will forever hold an important piece of Ms. Clymer’s heart as well as my own.

7. “We are born as who we are. The gender thing is something that is imposed on you.” — Laverne Cox

Laverne Cox needs no introduction from little ol’ me. Her achievements, activism, and advocacy speak for themselves.

The point I believe she’s trying to make here is that sex and gender are two completely different things.

Since before we’re even born, our mothers are asked, boy or girl? from loved ones and strangers alike.

It’s as if we can only celebrate the birth of a child knowing what is or isn’t between their legs. Isn’t having a child a blessing regardless of what their biological sex is, what color their skin happens to be, how big or small they are, whether or not they have hair on their head?

A baby’s biological sex should not determine whether or not parents are happy or disappointed. Or whether a child will be happier in pink or blue clothing, playing with dolls or sports equipment, sleep better with frilly bedding or a blanket with cars on it.

No longer is the gender reveal party relevant — if it ever was.

Thanks to some very intelligent scientists and doctors from around the world we now have a more accurate understanding of what gender means.

Children understand their own gender around the age of four — not the moment they’re born. A child’s sex is noted at birth, but not their gender. But because many people incorrectly assume a child’s biological sex is the same as their gender, a specific gender-role is imposed onto that child the moment they arrive in this world.

Gender exists on a spectrum. And it doesn’t matter if I ever completely understand them all or not. Because all human beings deserve equality.

Every. Single. Person. Deserves. To. Be. Treated. Equally.

Regardless of their biological sex.

Regardless of their gender identity.

And regardless of their gender expression.

Here are 10 Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their Transgender Teen.

Zada Kent is creator of LGBTQueer-ies & proud parent to her transgender son.



Zada Kent

Trans Advocate | Writer of LGBTQ & Parenting | Author of Horror Short Stories. www.ZadaKent.com | IG: zadakent