Fab Friends with LGBTQueer-ies

How I Messed Up When My Child Came Out, Fearless Words from One of Medium’s Finest, And Is Makeup Just for Women?

Zada Kent
3 min readJun 4, 2021


Fab Friends Newsletter

Hello, My Fabulous Friend!

I can’t believe it’s June already — HAPPY PRIDE!!!!!

Are you planning on attending any Pride events? The pandemic shut down all of them last year, so my family will be enjoying several celebrations this year. And not to worry, I’ll be sharing all the fun photos and adventures with you.

The Fab Friends with LGBTQueer-ies Newsletter

If you haven’t grabbed the full issue of Fab Friends, you can get the most current issue here. As always we have lots of fabulosity for you!

  • Wearing Makeup Does Not Require You to Be a Woman: My transgender son likes to wear makeup sometimes and I haven’t always been supportive. The difference between gender identity and gender expression has been a difficult lesson for me to learn and understand fully.
  • I Messed Up When My Daughter Told Me She Was a Boy: My child, Z, was eight when they first told me they wanted to be a boy. I thought it was like they were telling me they wanted to be an astronaut when they grew up. Or a teacher. Or a kick-ass rockstar.
  • Fearless Words from Fabulous Folx features one of Medium’s finest, James Finn. He wrote an amazing piece about Pride that every ally needs to read.

You can check out all of this in the latest full issue of Fab Friends!

Sign Up Here

If you’re already a subscriber to Fab Friends,

You already know you’ll receive the next installment in a couple of weeks.

If you’re new to us here, you can get every full issue of Fab Friends with LGBTQueer-ies sent right to your inbox as well! Simply sign up here.

The full Fab Friends newsletter includes all the latest things you’ve grown to love about LGBTQueer-ies: articles on parenting LGBTQ+ youth, queer-education pieces, advocacy and allyship information, and personal essays from LGBTQ+ folx and allies.

And soon there will be videos and audio as well featuring interviews, entertainment, and more fun stuff from all of us at LGBTQueer-ies!

I’m so excited!

What would you like to learn more about?

Is there something you’d like to see in LGBTQueer-ies that hasn’t been covered yet? Are there questions you want answers to? As part of the LGBTQ+ community, do you have something you’d like to share?

My goal is to be helpful to you by having as many articles and resources as possible to help parents and families support and accept their LGBTQ+ loved ones. If you have suggestions for me in order to do this, please leave a comment or send me a message.

Much love to you, my fabulous friend.



Zada Kent

Trans Advocate | Writer of LGBTQ & Parenting | Author of Horror Short Stories. www.ZadaKent.com | IG: zadakent