Fiction & Folx, #6

Finding Your Tribe, Refusing to Be a Target for Ignorance, a Creepy Classic Short Story from 1892, & A Big Announcement

Zada Kent
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Fiction & Folx Newsletter

Hello, My Fabulous Friend!

This is the latest mini-newsletter of Fiction & Folx. You can find the link to the whole fabulous issue below.

Easter kicked off a beautiful week of weather here in Ohio and I’ve loved being able to get out in my yard and dig in the dirt again. My summer hobbies include gardening of all sorts. It feels so satisfying to grow veggies and flowers and fruits.

Springtime Beauties

The Latest Issue of Fiction & Folx Newsletter

If you haven’t signed up for the full Fiction & Folx Newsletter, there’s a link at the bottom of this post. This issue is packed full of fabulosity:

  • Parents of Trans Kids, Find Your Tribe is an article about how and why every parent raising a transgender child should connect with other parents doing the same. The piece includes a list of eleven sites to help you find your tribe.
  • I’m a Parent & Trans Advocate, Not a Target for Your Ignorance is my attempt at figuring out how to deal with a not-so-pleasant comment on a previous article I wrote about my transgender son wanting to wear dresses.
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper is a classic short story from the late 1800s about a woman experiencing a psychotic break. It has many of my favorite things — an unreliable narrator, overall weirdness, dark undertones featuring a woman’s struggle (with at least depression if not insanity), and of course, an underlying deeper meaning behind it all. It’s a creepy little tale worth reading.

You can check out all of this in the latest Fiction & Folx newsletter.

Sign Up Here

Did you know you can have Fiction & Folx sent right to your inbox twice a month to get all the latest from me and LGBTQueer-ies? It includes parenting stuff (advice and mishaps), LGBTQIA culture pieces, and fiction fun — I’m a sucker for a good short story.

For the most recent full issue of Fiction & Folx, check it out here.

What can I help you with?

Is there something I’ve missed covering in LGBTQueer-ies? Are there questions you want answers to? As part of the LGBTQ+ community, do you have something you’d like to share?

I’ve added to the LGBTQueer-ies Resources section and will continue to do so. If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see there that isn’t already included I’d love to know. My goal is to have as many articles and resources as possible to help parents and families support and accept their lgbtq+ loved ones.

You’re welcome to let me know your ideas in the comments below. Or hit me up on any of my social media or send over an email through the website.

Much love to you, my fabulous friend.

I bet you thought I forgot to tell you the big news…

See you over there!



Zada Kent

Trans Advocate | Writer of LGBTQ & Parenting | Author of Horror Short Stories. | IG: zadakent