Karen, Your Opinion on Parenting My Transgender Kid Is Not Valid
You can keep your judgmental bullsh*t to yourself.
We’ve all seen one of those ‘Karen’ videos of a woman who feels obliged to share her unrequested judgment exposing her ignorance. Her lifetime of unhappiness is directed to whoever she deems is different enough from her. Then without prompt, she is compelled to intervene on the behalf of all those other Karens like her. A few of the videos are funny, many are ridiculous, and most are displays of ignorant contention.
I like to think of those family members, so-called friends, and even strangers who have inadvertently — or intentionally — passed their judgment of me and my transgender son are simply suffering from Karen-ism. It’s infectious and highly contagious, but with an open mind completely curable.
The following are some of the ridiculous comments Karen and her friends have said to me.
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