Book Review

The Queens’ English by Chloe O. Davis

This is the must-have reference book for anyone wanting to better understand the LGBTQIA+ community.

Zada Kent


The Queens’ English, The LGBTQIA+ Dictionary created with Canva

I’ve been searching for books and materials I believe will be the best resources for LGBTQueer-ies’ readers when I came across this book by Chloe O. Davis. And it has surpassed all my hopes for it.

The author, Chloe O. Davis, has done us all a massive favor by brilliantly compiling hundreds of terms connected to and used by the LGBTQ+ community. With this book, there is no longer any excuse to proclaim you don’t understand what your queer kids or friends are talking about.

This book is one I will revisit repeatedly. It is a reference book for anyone wanting to better understand the culture and unique vocabulary surrounding LGBTQ+ folks. Each entry (a term or phrase) includes much more than a mere definition. Synonyms, usage suggestions, and even historical references are included for most of the words and phrases that are listed.

The author has made it especially easy to use as well. The entire tome is organized alphabetically so if you hear a term or phrase you want to know more about it’s simple to look it up.

And I have to comment on the beautiful aesthetic of this book. From the gorgeous rainbow cover to the small silvery, glittery binding, this book grabs your attention immediately. Then you open it and the colorful graphics all throughout makes learning any of these terms fun and fabulous.

Here’s a great example of how the author defines and explains a term:

BOI — noun

A person of any gender expression who presents in a youthful, masculine way.

“I’m a girl and he’s a dude but we both also identify as ‘boi.’”

Want more info? Think: A young-looking, masc-of-center person.

USAGE NOTE: This term originated in the lesbian community. It has been appropriated by the larger LGBTQIA+ community.

DID YOU KNOW: A wide range of gender identities can fall under this term including young femme gay males, masculine lesbians, transmasculine, intersex, and gender-nonconforming folx (to name a few).

(One of five terms listed on page 47, The Queens’ English)

The author also includes additional small sections with info-graphics and more detailed information such as Coming Out 101, Common Pronouns 101, Tucking & Binding 101, Help! What’s my gay type?, and Queer Parents and the Family Dynamic.

There are many History Lessons as well including Gays in the Military, Marriage Equality, the Ballroom Scene, and of course, Stonewall.

Probably my personal favorite, The Genderbread Person, is a simple graphic highlighting the differences and overlap of gender identity, gender expression, anatomical sex, and attraction. It’s brilliantly easy to understand and should be included in every sex education class across the country.

One thing worth mentioning is the possible ‘adult rating’ of this book. As you might have guessed this book contains many terms associated with the act of sex, so I don’t recommend this book to anyone who might first need their parents’ permission before reading it. But for us adults, it is very enlightening.

I really enjoyed reading through The Queens’ English. As a parent to a transgender young man, this book is invaluable to me. It provides me a way to better understand a group my son identifies with. It has taught me many things I previously had no clue about. And it’s prompted some fantastic discussions with my son and his friends.

This book will never be placed on a bookshelf and forgotten in my house. It prominently stays out on the coffee table in the hopes that any visitor will see it and ask questions. And thanks to Chloe O. Davis, the answers to those questions will be inside.

Grab 10 Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their Transgender Teen.

Zada Kent is creator of LGBTQueer-ies & proud parent to her transgender son.



Zada Kent

Trans Advocate | Writer of LGBTQ & Parenting | Author of Horror Short Stories. | IG: zadakent