Introducing LGO’s trading interface

Tawfik Ghazi
LGO Group
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2018

With the recent surge in the price of Bitcoin, we are entering into an exciting cycle for the overall cryptocurrency market, which we believe is a result of increased interest from larger financial institutions and corporations. In this favorable context, we are pleased to share with you our exchange user interface that is dedicated to experienced traders.

Giving cryptocurrency investors a trusted platform to trade and manage their assets is a real challenge in the current ecosystem. LGO will provide a secure and fair platform, which will be reflected in our desktop application’s trading interface. Earlier in our design process, we provided a preview of our design in two posts we published concerning the user authentication and the different experience levels of investors our platform is built for.


For those beginners who are just beginning to open the doors to trading cryptocurrencies, it is important to make them feel comfortable when using our tools. Essentially, we believe in practicing a similar ideology that schools and universities use — we start beginners off with the fundamental tools and concepts to allow them to build a strong foundation that will support them when reaching higher levels. Thanks to our user-friendly and simplistic interface, they will be able to grasp some of the concepts, while avoiding all of the complex information and data plugins. This is essential for their understanding of this new market and their ability to build a long-term relationship based on trust. We have designed it specifically so that they are able to navigate the exchange with ease and visualize their portfolio, trades, etc.. instantly or just only a click away.

Moreover, we are developing the top solutions to support users at every step of the way, from the authentication with the hardware wallet to buying/selling bitcoins and the withdrawal.

Extending our services to retail investors is not only an opportunity to reach a wide and diverse customer base, but it is also an opportunity to build a trusted crypto ecosystem that can benefit everyone — this cannot be a reality if we keep the general public away from our secure and fair solution. Every customer is valuable and even more so for the health of the market.

Professional investors

We put forth a great deal of our effort and resources to create the most ideal interface design for institutions and professional investors. Our team includes experienced traders who brought in some amazing insight and expertise to the process of structuring the trading interface. After many iterations, we validated a definitive layout for the first desktop app release.

This may seem odd at first, but all of our different research and feedback from traders led us to the following conclusion: there isn’t a perfect design for all professional investors. Every trader has his own habits and display preferences. Thus, our goal was to propose an initial version of the trading interface with a solid structure and a straightforward execution display for visualizing market depth, orders, fills and positions. All of the essential data that experienced traders utilize to trade easily and quickly is included in the full-screen trading interface.

We will continually accept all feedback and update our interfaces accordingly for all our users and investors, with the aim to propose an advanced solution with complete user customization, analytics and features.

Access to the Exchange

The desktop client app is a rich application built via the framework Electron mainly based on web technologies as React JS, which has already proven its robustness and ability to support frequently updating datas. A vibrant community and ecosystem ensure the sustainability of this powerful stack. You may recall that users need to connect their hardware wallet to access the exchange, and particularly to the trading interfaces displayed above. Moreover, a Websocket API will permit access to the latest trades and orders in real time. In addition, a Financial Information eXchange(FIX) gateway will be accessible in order to provide a standard protocol for the institutional market.

LGO Group’s mission is to build confidence in all stages of a crypto-asset’s life: from creation to sale, promotion, acquisition, storage and use.

Our ambition is global. We want to enable large financial institutions the ability to trade cryptocurrencies with complete confidence and trust, while providing retail investors an identical secure framework.

