LGO Markets’ Platform is now Live

Hugo Renaudin
LGO Group
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2019

A year and a half ago, LGO started with an idea: bring fairness, security and transparency to the cryptocurrency market. From the start, we focused on building an exceptional team in order to deliver great technology and an innovative architecture to solve complex problems.

It is with great pride that we announce today that LGO Markets — LGO Group’s digital asset trading platform for institutional investors — is live. On March 4th, our platform will open to institutional clients, who will be able to trade from March 11th.

Our mission is to provide a highly secure and trustworthy environment for our clients. Institutional investors have been waiting for a reliable and suitable infrastructure to enter the cryptocurrency market. With this in mind, LGO Markets has been specifically designed to remove the main hurdles faced by institutions: risk and lack of transparency.

Hugo Renaudin, Co-Founder and CEO of LGO Markets, commented:

“LGO Markets will initially offer a physically settled Bitcoin to USD spot market. This could be considered as the simplest financial product, yet it does not exist in the cryptocurrency market. By bridging the processes of traditional financial exchanges and the benefits of blockchain transparency, LGO is built to be the reference venue for institutional digital asset trading.”

No counterparty Risk

Our platform is non-custodial and clients can trade while holding their assets. Each client’s assets are segregated from other clients’. We are also working with banking partners to allow segregated FIAT client accounts for trading.

Secure By Design

We have created a secure structure for clients which differentiates our platform from other exchanges.

Critical access to transactional data and private keys is made through the exclusive use of our secure hardware elements. Our end-to-end security approach prevents risks of single points of failure. Furthermore, we are working with third-party clearing firms reconciling each transaction executed on the platform and settlement of trades always requires the approval of two separate entities.

Compliant & Regulated

In our mission to bring traditional standards to digital assets trading, we are offering Institutional grade procedures to our clients, partners, and regulators. Our goal is to be fully compliant with regulations. The Firm is currently applying for a BitLicense and a FINRA broker-dealer license.

Provably Transparent

We use blockchain technology to prevent data tampering and market manipulation on our platform. Orders are time-stamped and recorded on the blockchain before being fed to the matching engine, creating an immutable order and trade history. The blockchain becomes the source of truth and the guardian of transparency of the order book. Our protocol guarantees transparency in the price discovery process while maintaining the anonymity of market participants.

As crypto continues its maturation as an asset class and more institutions enter the space, LGO Markets is committed to delivering products and services that are tailored to their unique needs.

The institutional digital asset trading platform that we are launching today is our first product. It is the first achievement of many to come, leading off LGO Markets’ long-term vision.

“This launch is only our first step towards achieving our long term mission. We see an opportunity to accompany the whole financial industry to transition to blockchain and distributed ledger technology. By rolling out our offer on the Bitcoin market, we position ourselves to become the leading exchange for blockchain-based assets — whether cryptocurrencies or tokenized traditional financial contracts.”

Frederic Montagnon — Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of LGO Markets

Get in touch

If you’re an institution looking to trade crypto assets, we’d like to hear from you. Please sign up here to receive more information or contact sales@lgo.markets.

