Roadshow: London Debrief

Hugo Finkelstein
LGO Group
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2018

As a part of our international roadshow that started in South Korea, LGO team attended the London Blockchain Expo Global earlier last month . Here’s a debrief of the few days spent there, from conferences to business development meetings & community meetups.

Prior to the beginning of the Blockchain expo conference, we thought it was important to meet with our community and other crypto enthusiasts.
We, therefore, started our London trip by holding a LGO meetup at the Hilton Olympia on Tuesday, April 17th. The meetup was a success, with more than 100 attendees it was a great opportunity for us to meet with LGO token buyers, future clients, advisors and a lot of people simply curious about our project.
With plenty of fruitful discussions; we were able to directly answer the community’s questions and were all really excited to put a face on our holders. We got to know why they chose to trust LGO and the several reasons for their faith in our project.

The day after, the Blockchain Expo Conference started and our LGO Markets’ booth stole the show!

During the 2 days of the conference, a lot of interesting people came visit us and we had many qualitative exchanges with attendees. We indeed met with future partners, crypto-investors and other prospective clients: we made lots of contacts and had the opportunity to grow our network which will be very precious for the upcoming launch of the platform.

Being in London also allowed us to meet with advisors of the project like Andrew Rennie, mathematician with extensive experience in banking, regulation and risk. We were then able to get an even clearer view of the UK and European regulatory environments.

Finally, we also had important meetings with very high profile clients. Although the conversation is still at an early stage, these meetings enabled us to emphasize the power of LGO Markets’ value proposition, and the fact that our product resonates to the needs of institutional players who are currently not able to enter the market because of infrastructure constraints. There is an ongoing back and forth with these clients — as with any prospective clients that we’ve talked to so far — in order to build the most efficient platform possible.

Our trip to London was really successful, it was exciting to meet some of our european community, to share with them and feel their excitement for our project. It was also a unique opportunity to connect with potential partners and clients. Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Our roadshow is not finished yet; next destination is Amsterdam! Stay tuned as we will soon communicate all the details around the event!

LGO Exchange ( is a demonstrably fair and premium crypto currency exchange. It incorporates a decentralized ledger within its proprietary centralized platform in order to guarantee the inalterability, temporality and transparency of the order book and ensure a fair trading environment.

