It has to begin somehow

If you appreciate good writers, want to write, but never published anything, come with me

Life. A little big adventure


This is my first post at medium, and I hope there will be a lot more. I’m writing this because I really enjoy blogs, I admire people who work during the day and write amazing posts on their spare time. They share knowledge, spread ideas, tell us personal experiences, overcome their fears, express feelings and all of it to people they probably will never meet. I don’t know why, but it amazes me and I want it too.

I’m right now trying to break the walls, to stop the over analysis, to avoid the fear of starting a new post, the doubt — What will be the reader’s reaction? Will it be interesting? What if it just sucks?

The time has taught me that:

It is as hard to begin things we are not confident as it is to end things we are comfortable.

My friend, if you read until here you are probably looking for encouragement, and I will tell you. Do it! Think about the simplest thing you are able to talk about, express yourself, let it flow, doubts will come for sure. There are a lot to learn, to improve and we will do it! Day after day.



Life. A little big adventure

I'm a software developer who likes music, beer, traveling and a couples of other things