Weekly Inspiration & Reading List Update 1651


We curated some interesting signs of emerging customer expectations and useful reads in the area of business development, brand building and customer experience.


Innovation requires continuous discovery and inspiration. Our Signs of the Week are a collection of interesting signs we have recently added to our Inspiration-Hub:

10 Killer Stats on Customer Experience

Brands need to deliver great customer experiences from start to finish, because 66% are willing to switch brands due to poor customer service.

Storytelling is getting more and more important in marketing these days, but surprisingly 85% can’t remember a single good story told by a brand recently.

For more interesting and surprising statistics around customer experience
read here.

Favourite Reads:

Business Development

Brand Building

  • How service brands are getting creative with Twitter’s new curated profiles. Explore article

Customer Experience

If you want to understand emerging customer needs and shape your business model, brand strategy and customer experience to unlock future growth, please get in touch with us.

