Bird Scooters: The Westside Takeover

Kylan Konen
LHspaces Magazine
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

If you have not heard about the new “Bird Scooter Epidemic” that is taking over West LA, then you are severely missing out!

“Bird” has quickly become the ultimate way to commute- whether it is hitting all the local hot spots on Abbot Kinney or finding a new way to get to class at UCLA. You simply just download the app to your smartphone and it locates the nearest “Bird” available for you to use.

Who would have thought that one day instead of buying your children a motorized scooter for a few hundred dollars, you would just give them a few bucks and tell them to go find a “Bird” for the day.

“Bird” launched in September of 2017 in the beautiful city of Santa Monica and has been on the rise ever since. The flock has migrated, you can now find a “Bird” almost anywhere from PCH in Santa Monica to DTLA. I mean, what do you expect when you are able to find such user friendly transportation for only four dollars an hour, and at the touch of your fingertips?

I assume a lot of you, just like me, have experienced the lack of parking that Los Angeles has to offer. Now, you can just pull up right in front of wherever you need to go and your scooter awaits your return.

You can even work for “Bird” as a “Bird Charger” where you are paid to collect scooters with low batteries and charge them overnight, which means you are basically riding for free.

If you are reading this and you are not currently living in the Los Angeles area, do not worry, the “Bird” startup has raised $15 million in efforts to expand across the United States.

My advice to you is; download the app and go see what you have been missing out on. Just make sure you wear a helmet!

