
City of Sorrow

鄭立明 CHENG Li-Ming
Li-Ming’s Film
2 min readMay 14, 2017



Experimental, urban,traffic, social situation

For a long time, penetrating invasiveness of the camera has been inherent to the storytelling conventions of documentary film. This type of narrative inquiry entails probing deep into the heart of matter, as the camera remains pointing at the subject’s body and soul the whole time. The peculiar way of seeing embedded in this type of “in-depth” reportage, which almost inevitably carries a sense of intrusiveness, has long been a mainstream practice in documentary film, and remains a popular mode of narrative to this day.

Our everyday life is a string of random and contingent events which cannot be materialized into a story due to a lack of logical connection between these events. In other words, we are surrounded by a vast amount of shallowness on a daily basis. This series of documentary films foreground this sense of shallowness, hoping to offer a possible escape from the hegemony of depth. The director uses mechanical equipment to collect and string together images of these random moments to forge a unique form of critique.

Festivals & Awards

2009 Asian Art Biennial Viewpoints & Viewing Points Exhibition https://event.culture.tw/NTMOFA/portal/Registration/C0103MAction?actId=52558

2006 Taiwna International Documentary Festival

2010 Golden Harvest Awards Best sound design




2006 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展

2010 金穗獎最佳聲音設計/柯宜均/劉小草

