How to Run a Reiki Share (Part II)

Taggart King
Liberate Your Reiki!
6 min readJan 28, 2017
reiki sharing group

In my last blog, “How to Run a Reiki Share (Part I)”, I spoke about what Reiki shares are and why you might want to organise or attend one, and I ran through lots of practical points like where to hold them, where to find treatment tables, what to bring with you and how it actually works in practice in etrms of working out timings and keeping track of time during the treatment sessions.

Here, I want to talk about: where to stand around the treatment table with different numbers of participants, what hand positions to use, how to finish the treatments, using intuitively-guided hand positions at shares, giving and receiving attunements and empowerments, and what other things people get up to at Reiki shares!

Where should people stand, around the treatment table?

This is not set in stone, but here are some useful combinations for different numbers of participants:

Three people

Four people

Five people

Six people

Seven people

What hand positions should you use?

You can be really flexible with hand positions. They are not set in stone, and the person is going to be receiving Reiki that is channelled into them from lots of different places, so it does not really matter: it will be a wonderful experience for the recipient no matter where people put their hands!

If you’re sitting at the head of the table, it would be nice to start by resting your hands on the shoulders for a few minutes. Then you can use any of the hand positions that you already know; perhaps you will decide to cradle their head on your hands or perhaps you will decide to not disturb them, and stay off the body for the rest of the treatment.

If you are standing by the torso, you could rest one hand on the solar plexus and hover the other hand over the heart area (when treating a woman) or rest your hand on the heart area (when treating a man); all hand positions should be non-intrusive, of course. You could then move on to treat both side of the abdomen (hands at the level of the navel) and treat both hips; you are constrained by the presence of other people giving the treatment, though, so if two of you are treating the torso, perhaps you could stay to your side, treating the abdomen and hip on your side of the body, perhaps while they do the same on the other side. It can be powerful to mirror hand positions on either side of the midline.

Of course, if you are the only person standing on your side of the treatment table, you can range all the way along, almost from their shoulders to their ankles.

One area of the body that tends to get neglected during routine Reiki treatments is the arm, or the hand, and if you are standing by the torso then you could rest your hands on the recipient’s elbow, and on their hand. This can feel fantastic being on the receiving end, with a boiling hot ‘Reiki hand’ either resting on yours of holding your hand; lovely.

If you are standing by the legs, you will either be treating both sides of the body or just one side, depending on whether there is another Reiki person standing opposite you. If you are on your own at the legs, you could treat both hips, both thighs, both knees and both ankles. If there are two of you treating the legs, you could rest your hands on the hip and thigh, thigh and knee, or knee and ankle, or you might decide to cup your hands above and below the knee or the ankle.

If you are sitting at the foot of the treatment table — and it works better if you sit rather than stand — then you can spend a lot of time with your hands resting on the ankles, you might choose to lean forwards and rest your hands on the shins, or you might rest your palms against the soles of their feet; you might treat one foot and then the other, or work on both at the same time.

And whether or not anyone has been ‘allocated’ to the feet, it is nice for someone to move there at some stage during the session, or to end up there for a little while at the end of the session.

Finishing the treatment

It can be nice for someone to take responsibility for ‘smoothing down the energy field’ at the end of a session. It’s easier if this is someone who has been treating the torso or feet because they are already in the right sort of position; sometimes two people will do this in unison, on either side of the body, and that can be quite nice.

Using intuitively guided hand positions

For Reiki people who do not have too many opportunities to treat other people, a Reiki share can give them a chance to become comfortable with treating others, to receive positive feedback from the people they treated, and to have a chance to practise working intuitively on quite a few ‘bodies’.

This can be very useful and build confidence quickly.

What other things can you do at a Reiki share?

Sometimes the Reiki share host (it doesn’t have to be a Reiki Master but often is) will start things off by talking people though some energy exercises, for example Kenyoku followed by Joshin Kokkyu ho, just to get the energy flowing. You could always talk people through the entire Hatsurei ho sequence if you liked.

Some people like to use the Reiki Evolution “Reiki Meditations” CD so that everyone can sit and be guided through the sequence together, and that works well.

Sometimes there might be a further guided meditation of some sort, or perhaps a group distant healing session or a chat about people’s experiences when treating others, so the Reiki share can double as a sort of Practitioner support meeting.

You can do what you like.

Giving attunements or empowerments at a Reiki share

If there is a Reiki Master Teacher at the share, they could start the session by giving attunements to everyone present. Reiki attunements are often quite time-consuming and detailed, though, so it would be easier and quicker if people were to receive Reiju empowerments instead. The effect is the same, of course, but people wouldn’t have to sit there for potentially a very long time while the initiations are completed.

If there are several Reiki Masters present, they could ‘share out’ the empowerments and do a few each. This is also ideal if there are new Reiki Masters there who want to practise giving empowerments to people.

Taggart King



Taggart King
Liberate Your Reiki!

Taggart (as “Reiki Evolution”) has taught Reiki in the UK for 20 years & is author of Reiki books, manuals, CDs & MP3s. He teaches original Japanese Reiki.