How to Use Symbols if you can’t Visualise Well

Taggart King
Liberate Your Reiki!
4 min readJan 7, 2017
problems visualising reiki symbols

In my blog post A Simple Way with Reiki Symbols I describe a simple meditation method for experiencing the energy that a Reiki symbol (or any other symbol, for that matter) creates. I suggest that you take a quick look at that post before reading on.

Using visual images works quite well for probably the majority of people (so it’s a useful first port of call, and all Reiki courses, of course, include symbols at Second Degree and beyond), but there are a fair number of people where it’s not such a good fit.

Mikao Usui got round this by using various approaches with his students. One method he used was to teach Shinto mantras called ‘kotodama’, where students used sounds, chanting, to become the energies of earth ki and heavenly ki, and to experience a state of oneness. He taught the kotodama to far more of his students than received the Reiki symbols that are taught routinely in the West. Dr Hayashi was taught the symbols, though, and they were passed on to the West via Mrs Takata.

So graphical images are not the only way of experiencing the energies.

But let’s see what we can do with the graphics, just for a little while longer…

Many people can’t visualise so brilliantly, anyway!

Many people who aren’t very good at visualising things imagine that people who can visualise can see things in Ultra HD, Technicolor, Panavision, with perfect, infinite detail and fantastic colour resolution. Sadly, that’s not the case! Visual memory is a bit rubbish, really, like the digital images you used to get on the very first mobile ‘phones that came with cameras: grainy and indistinct.

So most people who use visual images of the symbols won’t be able to see the images clearly for more than a few moments, and won’t keep the symbols clearly in mind as they experience the energy; rather the image is flagged up there to set an intent about the nature of the energy that you want to channel.

Sometimes people will re-draw the symbol if they feel they need to, but most of the time they are just drifting in a meditative state, channelling the energy that they intended to.

But it is possible to experience the symbols in more of a ‘physical’ sense. Let me explain…

Feeling a symbol instead of seeing it

Say that you had your eyes shut and you imagined that you were hovering in the air above some railway lines.

Even though you couldn’t see them, you could become aware of the physicality of those lines, couldnt you?: their solidness, their density. And if those lines took a sharp turn right below you, or a squiggle, you could become aware of the physical nature of their contours and direction, without having an image come to mind.

Try that. Notice what you can feel or sense in a physical way.

Experiencing a symbol through muscle movements

Also, if you practise drawing out a symbol, quite flamboyantly, using your hand/arm, with a bit of repetition you could remember those movements (your muscle memory) in the same way that you can probably now remember and duplicate the finger-movements that you use when entering your PIN into a card machine at the supermarket or cash machine.

There is a physical memory of the movements that you can trigger in your mind. You can almost feel the necessary muscles firing off as you imagine making those familiar movements.

Try that now: type your PIN into a cash dispenser in your mind; do that repeatedly. Don’t actually move your real fingers, but experience those movements in a physical way.

Notice the messages firing off to your muscles, feel the shape and the movement, the pattern.

Feel that symbol through muscles and density

So if you did those two things: making imaginary hand movements and becoming physically aware of the solidity and contours of a symbol… there you have a way of experiencing a symbol in a non-visual manner.

Try that. Put that symbol up there above you, use those muscle movements in your mind, experience the physical density and contours of the symbol, and once the solid, dense contours of the symbol are there before you, have in mind that the energy is flooding down to you from that 3D shape… and let the energy flow.

Over to you

If you have had problems with visualising symbols, why not try this different approach and ‘see’ how you get on. Does this make working with symbols easier for you?

Taggart King

Picture credit: youflavio



Taggart King
Liberate Your Reiki!

Taggart (as “Reiki Evolution”) has taught Reiki in the UK for 20 years & is author of Reiki books, manuals, CDs & MP3s. He teaches original Japanese Reiki.