Google bans Alex Jones on YouTube and so ends any credibility they ever had

Eric Martin
Liberation Day
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2018


Image by Michael Zimmermann. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

“Don’t be evil” is out the window. By getting rid of conservative voices on YouTube, YouTube is now proclaiming that it is the biggest source of fake news the world has ever seen. By getting rid of one whole side of every political argument, YouTube is now a garbage mouthpiece of the mainstream media that needs to cease to exist. Google (Alphabet) owns YouTube and they think that by shutting down anyone who doesn’t go with their disturbing “control the world through government and our websites” plan they can control us. They can’t. Google is sending a message. The U.S. Constitution values freedom of speech, but corporations have a right to ignore the tenants of free speech. Google ignores free speech at their own peril. They are the new liberals, not the classical liberals that believe in freedom. By banning us they are enraging us, empowering us, and not only ending themselves but also bringing us more swiftly toward a world of law where the Constitution and less government are finally followed. Google is Garbage. They are drunk with power and making stupid mistakes as they grasp at any straw to cling to their disturbing “I love Hillary Clinton even though I know she’s a criminal” ideals. The politicians on the left are, largely, criminal, but unfortunately the right is as well, largely, as most of them ignore the constraints on the federal government written in the Constitution that they swore or affirmed to uphold in their oath of office: legislators, presidents, and judges having taken that oath. It is disgusting, how have we let this happen? We must stop it now. My book, free today, shows us how: Liberation Day: Our Nation Empowered by the Constitution

