What Happened In Vegas, Stayed In Vegas

Troubling questions still remain

J.L. Pattison
Liberation Day


Courtesy of Neypomuk-Studios via Pixabay

If there’s one thing that’s remained consistent about mass casualty events over the past few decades—besides a predictable plethora of new laws passed afterward that erodes American freedoms and civil liberties—it’s that these incidents always leave us with more questions than answers.

Equally troubling is the fact that anyone who is brave enough to ask questions about the anomalies, impossibilities, and contradictions regularly presented in the official explanations for these events, is quickly dismissed by the establishment as a “truther” or “conspiracy theorist,” and then these ad hominem attacks are obediently parroted by the preprogrammed Pavlovian-style masses who are more knowledgeable about sports scores, cosplay, video games, and superhero movies, than what’s really going on in the world.

It was the night of October 1, 2017, when an event took place at the Route 91 Music Festival that resulted in the death of 58 people, and injuries to over 500 others.

It was a grand-scale mass shooting that was quickly pulled from the news cycle and thrown down the memory hole to make room for much more pressing news, such as highly privileged and insanely overpaid (but still woefully oppressed) professional football players kneeling during the National…



J.L. Pattison
Liberation Day

Called "A 21st Century Rod Serling," JL Pattison is the author of 4 books of contemporary speculative fiction for modern-day thought criminals. JLPattison.com