Leaving the Left for Liberty (My New Podcast)

What is this witch hunt in the western world? How many of us witches are out there?

Sienna Mae Heath
Liberation Day


In my new series, “Leaving the Left for Liberty” for Free The People, I’ll be talking with whistleblowers, dissidents, and other alternative voices who have left the culture of the political left for more creative freedom, professional freedom, and personal freedom. While not necessarily leaving the left for the right, these independent, libertarian, classically liberal, and newly conservative voices are cutting ties with dogma and in search of something new. (Sienna Mae Heath)
Sienna Mae Heath for Free the People.

Bret Weinstein perceives the population is made of four groups: the few who actually hunt witches, a large group that goes along with it, a larger group that stays silent, and also a tiny group that bravely opposes the hunt. And that “final group — as if by magic — become witches.”

I have become such a witch. I cannot stay silent as an establishment orthodoxy, rife with ultimatums, stands in the way of our humanity. I cannot stay silent while some very loud voices are calling for the shaming, shunning, and marginalization of their fellow people.

When I am told that I need to be less of what I am, that I listen to the wrong comedians and share the wrong news, I will not cower. When it is implied my existence on this planet is, by default, evil, that there is only one path to salvation (coerced revelation of my Covid-19 vaccination status coupled with mandatory book groups on what is called “anti-racism”), and if I dare question it, I’m treated as a sinner — still.

Now, it is considered hate to do what is right in my heart for the country I love, for the girls and boys who need us to keep this place free and restore what made it good as we find ways to…

