Mike Gravel and/or Bill Weld 2020?

Stephen Kent Gray
Liberation Day
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2019

I was keeping track of the most libertarian candidate among the two major parties, when I found out about Mike Gravel running for the Democrats in 2020 as well as Bill Weld for the Republicans in 2020!

Mike Gravel ran in 2008 for the Libertarian Party and Bill Weld in 2016 for the Libertarian Party also.


They are not doing so well in the polling and donors numbers as far as I know.

Both Mike Gravel and Bill Weld are Libertarian Party vetted libertarians. They are both good ideologically, but Trump and the slate of Democrats aren’t. If you must try to triangulate something to drag the Democratic Party closer to libertarianism or at least away from socialism, consider John Delaney and his Delaney Debate Challenge to bring him to the debates as an option.

Remember the Democratic positions link earlier? Establish Single Payer Healthcare? Delaney, Hickenlooper, and Klobuchar oppose it! Supports the Green New Deal? Delaney opposes it! Expand the use of nuclear power? Booker, Delaney, and Yang support it, as most Dems are anti-nuke. Tuition free public college? Delaney, Klobuchar, O’Rourke, and Yang oppose it! Wealth tax? Yang opposes it! Abolish the electoral college? Yang wants to keep it! The positions table is incomplete, so more info as Wikipedia editors fill it out as campaign sites and social media show more info on policy.

The fact that Mike Gravel’s site’s donate link will be down for 2–3 days or until further notice and he hasn’t been in the polls so far has me worried about his debate inclusion prospects. The RNC has no plans for debates between Trump and Weld or any other challengers. This leaves Delaney and his #FocusOnTheFuture campaign as the only option to get into the debates as an attempt to minimize socialism’s influence on the debates.

Other than Mike Gravel (once I find what platform he will run on in 2020), John Delaney appears to be the one and only rational option the Democratic Party has to choose. Plus, all he needs is 65k donors to donate at least $1 before May 15 and he will donate $2 for each donor to one of 11 charities. So if he gets in the debates at least $130k will be donated to charity.

The Libertarian Party? John McAfee, Arvin Vohra, Adam Kokesh, maybe Justin Amash? I will have to discus it in a later post, but steers the Democratic Party away from socialism and the Republican Party away from Trumpism also (despite the RNC not having debates) seems to be the best thing for liberty before the general election comes and the primary season ends. Even if you don’t vote major party, they set the debate third parties participate in. So, readers, let’s all donate to John Delaney, Bill Weld, and Mike Gravel (when his site gets a donate link).



Stephen Kent Gray
Liberation Day

I'm an Individualist Libertarian otaku who is pansexual! My avatar is Tiara from the Fairy Fencer series. Profile intro set to be updated soon eventually!