Revolutionary Flags for Today

Melody Martin
Liberation Day
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2017

Flags were an important component in the Revolutionary War. Like a visual rallying cry they helped to unite the colonies in the battle against the oppression of British rule. Although we won our freedom so long ago, we are still facing oppression today. However, today we find our freedom in jeopardy because of a government that ignores the very law that was drafted in order to maintain the hard-won freedom of American people. That law is, of course, the Constitution of the United States.

Today we live under an authority whose grasp on our liberty is tightening without any sign of letting up, and the visual rallying cries are reappearing. The Gadsden flag and its bold message, “Don’t tread on me”, are flown from many flagpoles and emblazoned on t-shirts and bumper stickers. Then there’s this. It’s amazing how so many Revolutionary War flags and symbols are still popular and relevant today, but what would it look like to create new flags in today’s battle for freedom? Here are a few ideas:

Keep or be Kept: As tragic mass shootings ravage the nation, Americans face increased gun control regulations. How long until our right to bear arms is dissolved completely? For the average citizen with no criminal intent or mental health issues this would be an extreme degradation. With the continued stripping away of our Constitutional rights, we could become defenseless prisoners living under an oppressive regime.

Primum non nocere: “First do no harm” is a medical principle that weighs the pros and cons of intervention. If treating a patient could do more harm than good, it may be best to forgo treatment. The extent to which the Constitution is followed is the measure of good health for this country. In the same way doctors ask whether intervention will help or harm an ailing patient, lawmakers should ask this when drafting new laws. Any law that conflicts with the Constitution is harmful. Any law that conflicts with our liberty is a detriment to the American people.

Freedom to Prosper: Unconstitutional regulations are rampant. Creativity and entrepreneurship are heavily guarded. In what world is this conducive to producing great work? Prosperity should be possible for every American.

There are so many more flags that could be made. Please post your flag ideas in the comments below, and let’s unite in our efforts to bring liberty back to the people of America.

