The Basic Problem with Medicare for All

Ed Newman
Liberation Day


Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

At the end of Tuesday’s Democratic debate I saw this thought-provoking tweet: “John Delany is the smartest person on that #DemDebate stage by miles and miles. He ran significant businesses — Medicare already doesn’t cover doctors’ costs. Medicare for All tanks entire system.”

DISCLAIMER: I am neither Dem nor GOP, just an observer who reports what he observes. This is neither a vote for or against John Delaney.

Earlier today I read an editorial in our local business publication Business North (August 2019) titled “The healthcare funding discussion needs to become more serious and less political.”

Fat chance on that in our current political climate, but I did learn some things that ought to have a bearing on where our country wants to go with regard to health care.

The editorial was in response to the current clamoring for “Medicare for all.”

The article cites one of the problems of this particular solution for the runaway costs of health care in this country. It’s this. Federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid pay the bare minimum for services from doctors and hospitals. The elderly don’t mind because they’re medical expenses have become surprising cheap. They’re unaware of who is picking up the tab. “At…



Ed Newman
Liberation Day

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon