The Government Limits me

Eric Martin
Liberation Day
Published in
7 min readApr 22, 2017


Lately, every time the government limits me, I feel disgusted.

When the government hinders me, I am constrained.

Image © John Lamonica

This year alone, the United States goverment has stopped me from using eToro, a trading site that let’s you copy what other traders are doing… perhaps because of Dodd-Frank.

Through ridiculous regulations, they have kept hedge funds from allowing me to put my money with them.

Through regulations, I am not a “qualified” investor and so I can’t invest like a qualified investor could in a venture capital fund or other investments like that.

I had a huge tax bill this year because of government.

When the government takes thousands of dollars from you, and then they abuse and waste approximately 99% of those funds, you feel disgusted.

I am disgusted that the government takes billions of dollars from millions of hard-working, middle-class Americans every year. And I’m disgusted that they impose millions of dollars worth of fees and man-hours just to comply with their income tax forms for individuals, corporations, and hundreds or millions of other regulations.

Is this a rant? Yes! But it’s a focused rant. When it comes to financial matters, what is the dominant thread? These government actions are almost universally for the benefit of the mega-rich.

Why shouldn’t I be able to be in a hedge fund, but the rich can? Or invest in a startup, but the rich can? Why can’t I have a corporation without the headache of an idiotic Federal income tax filing requirement? Why can’t I copy other traders on a platform where they are openly allowing themselves to be copied? Why can’t I keep my income without ridiculous taxes that “legally” steal it from me?

I am so disgusted with government. Sure, we might think that government is giving to the poor… but they only do that to secure more votes!

How much more obvious can this be? The mega-rich offer handouts to the poor. The middle class hates the increase in taxes. Then the poor and the middle class think they’re at war with each other, but in fact they’re being played against each other by the mega-rich. The mega-rich are the problem. They’re the ones who can have government pay “excess”money to the poor to keep them at bay, and take the “excess” money from the middle class to keep them at bay. Think about it: if the government takes excess from the middle and gives the excess to the poor, who benefits the most? The Mega-rich, and their untaxed capital, still get all of the benefits of that spending with almost none of the cost. The corporations they own still get to absorb all of that spending. In fact, it might even create more consumer spending because some of that excess income from the middle class would otherwise have been invested rather then spent. The dependent poor will never compete with the mega-rich’s return on capital, because they will remain dependent. And the middle class are all but kept from competing with the mega-rich’s capital and their high returns (and the middle would compete by investing their excess capital), because most or all of the middle’s excess capital is taken from them through taxes. And unless the middle class breaks through to a ton of wealth they cannot invest like the mega-rich, further suppressing their ability to acquire capital: They can’t invest in hedge funds, startups, or venture capital like the rich can.

Why is it that the United States caters to the mega-rich more than perhaps any other country? I truly do not know why… part of it could be that we have the most rich. This is one reason why the rich keep getting richer: they keep everyone else down with drive-squelching handouts if your poor, and if your middle class or aspire to be middle class, they keep you down with near-impossible regulations for businesses, unfair taxes, where any income you get is taxed, but if you’re mega-rich and simply hold capital, you never pay a penny of Federal tax for that, and the worst investment choices, where the mega-rich have the best choices where they can invest in startups, venture capital, hedge funds…. virtually anything they want.

Our nation is a nation of the poor and middle class, by the poor and middle class, for the rich. Can we blame them for what they’ve done? Not really. They’ve legalized theft through taxes and inflation for their benefit. It’s immoral, but we’re all immoral. Perhaps we can’t blame them, but we need to stand up to them. We need to fight the regulations, fight the taxes, fight everything that goes against the justice that common sense demands.

Justice is incredibly simple:

  1. No Government Regulation — because it hurts some at the expense of others
  2. No Government Taxes — because it hurts some at the expense of others
  3. No Government Money Printing — because it hurts some at the expense of others
  4. No Government Handouts — because it hurts some at the expense of others
  5. Just Laws — Anything that hurts another against their will may be illegalized, nothing else can be made illegal

How can we change this? What can be done? What can we do?

Please HELP!

I am at a loss. Around the world and in the United States we have lost so much. It’s like we’re being eaten alive by mosquitoes but we’ve been given the opium of sports and smart phones and Netflix so that we don’t feel any of the pain anymore.

The pain is real, and some day it will come to haunt us. I predict that it will hurt the poor as well as the rich and middle class.

The house of cards will fall. But has it fallen so many times in the past, only to be quickly be rebuilt by the old-guard rich with the support of governments at the expense of the working class?

I am outraged. Whether this was orchestrated, done in secret, in the open, or done totally by accident: this is disgusting.

You would think that we would be better than serfs living on someone’s fiefdom. But that is exactly what we are in the United States. The middle class are the serfs living in the fiefdom of the United States. The charge on each of us is a huge tax and indefinite inflation… just for being “American”. (Did you know that the U.S. is one of only two countries in the world where our citizens’ income is taxed by the U.S. government no matter where it has been earned, even in any other country?)

The middle pays from 0 to 39.6% of their income in Federal income taxes, along with a surcharge here or there if they have “very high” income. If that’s not serfdom, I don’t know what is… but where’s the surcharge for someone with 60 billion dollars in stocks? For Warren Buffet and Bill Gates?

It may not be orchestrated, but the reach and injustice of government is clearly out of hand. Around 90% of what the Federal Government now does is illegal because it’s unconstitutional. We can not stand for this immoral ineptitude any longer. We must take a stand!

End the nonsense! End the injustice! End the money flowing from the workers to the non-workers so that the non-workers vote for whatever the mega-rich want.

If you were mega-rich, and you paid almost no taxes because your money was all tied up in stocks (boo hoo for you), and so you had almost no income, why wouldn’t you want the government to spend a lot of money? You’re not paying any income tax on your capital. You’re hardly paying for the government spending. The income earners pay it. Why not let the middle class pay to keep themselves and the poor out of your way? If you do that, no one else but the mega-rich can compete with the returns on YOUR capital. But it’s only your capital because the rules have been bent in your favor. If the rules weren’t bent for the favor of the mega-rich, I would bet that most of them would not be nearly as rich as they are today.

Creating a thousand regulations so that potential competitors have to spend millions in “compliance” costs just to get off of the ground is an example of rules being bent in the favor of the mega-corporations and their mega-rich owners.

Have the elites ever enjoyed as much privilege as in this nation? Who do we revere in this nation?

Have you ever been angry? What about? I can’t think of anything to be more angry about in this world than government. Government kills, cheats, and steals; and it’s all legal. At least when a criminal does it it’s considered a crime.

I declare that the United States government is criminal! They are going against the Supreme Law of their land: the Constitution of the United States. Going against a Supreme Law is illegal and therefore criminal.

I call on every Legislator, Judge, or President in this country to henceforth uphold the Constitution, as you swore or affirmed that you would do. The second that you don’t: resign immediately. Move out of public life: you’ve failed.

What is Liberation Day?

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