We Need To Talk About Some Recent Events

It’s getting serious

J.L. Pattison
Liberation Day


If you’ll oblige me, I’d like to share some thoughts with you about two substantial developments that appear to have gone almost completely unnoticed by most people.


As you are well aware, less than two years ago America forcefully exchanged its leader (with mean Tweets and a strong economy) for the current leader of this dumpster fire and train wreck we’re all currently living through. And now, the most popular president in American history — who allegedly received more “votes” than both Obama and Trump (I did my best to type that with a straight face) — has recently told us food shortages are coming.


It’s against this backdrop I wanted to bring your attention to a phenomenon that’s been unfolding that you probably don’t know anything about.

One of my astute readers informed me that there’s been an epidemic of food production facilities mysteriously going up in flames. I already knew of Azure Standard’s fire from an email my wife received from Azure (because we order from them), but I was wholly unaware how many other facilities have recently been sabotaged, including not one, but two hit by planes (Where are my coincidence theorists at?).



J.L. Pattison
Liberation Day

Called "A 21st Century Rod Serling," JL Pattison is the author of 4 books of contemporary speculative fiction for modern-day thought criminals. JLPattison.com