Yes, Vote Trump

No To Big Government
Liberation Day
Published in
9 min readAug 13, 2020

Re-elect President Donald J. Trump for the good of the country.

45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump

I actually like Trump.

I think he is maligned in the media, and is not who they portray. I don’t believe he is anti-immigrant, or racist, or misogynist, or a dummy, etc.

If you’ve never seen President Trump unfiltered without the media “interpreting” him and purposely misunderstanding him or quoting him out of context, I recommend you watch his first State of the Union Address:

His personal style may be brash, but I agree with most of his policies. I think too many people vote as if elections are popularity contests, but policies and their impact are far more important than personalities.

I like that President Trump has tried to reduce US involvement in foreign wars and worked to establish peace in various regions; compelled NATO allies to pay their fair share for their defense; eliminated the terrorist organization ISIS’ (ISIL) territory in Iraq and Syria; has worked to make America energy independent and a net exporter of energy for the first time in 65 years; joined the One Trillion Trees initiative to neutralize carbon dioxide emissions by planting new trees throughout the world, and as of February 2020, 13.6 billion trees have already been planted; acted to give veterans choice in healthcare with the Mission Act, and to reform the badly run Department of Veterans Affairs with the VA Accountability Act, which now allows the firing of incompetent employees; pushed to lower prescription drug prices by increasing the availability of generic drugs and requiring pharmaceutical companies and hospitals to be transparent and publicly disclose real pricing information to force competition; enacted the Right to Try Act to allow terminally ill patients the option of using experimental treatments; implemented prison reform with the First Step Act to lessen sentences for non-violent offenders; enacted the Family and Medical Leave Act to allow up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to workers caring for a new child or an ailing relative; pushed to offer vocational and technical training in high schools and job training apprenticeships for American workers in partnerships with tech companies through the Pledge to America’s Workers initiative; has cut taxes; eliminated the “death tax” or estate tax on small businesses and family farms that are worth less than $11 million; encouraged private investment in economically distressed communities with Opportunity Zones; reignited space exploration with the formation of the US Space Force, and forged public-private partnerships with SpaceX that has allowed the US to again send astronauts into space after almost a decade; has cut regulations that had previously forced US companies to move manufacturing outside the US, which has devastated the middle class; and I like that he has encouraged companies to build in the US by renegotiating trade deals, thereby providing good jobs to many. He has stood up to protect basic civil rights: private property, gun ownership, religious liberty, and free speech, which the Democrats — with their high taxes, irrational hostility toward guns that responsible people use for self-defense as well as to earn livelihoods, and authoritarian pursuit to have everyone think the same way — have been attacking every single day.

I also consider Socialism to be a real threat coming from the Democrats, and that centralized big government and big bureaucracy, which is how Socialism is implemented, tends toward corruption and waste. I think the teachers unions, prison guards unions, and other government worker unions are harmful because they protect bad employees and put the public at risk. The teachers unions, in particular, perpetuate a brutal crime against urban youth by not allowing School Choice and Opportunity Scholarships, which allow families to get vouchers to send their kids to better schools and the chance to gain upward economic mobility. Instead, the teachers unions force poor kids to attend failing, sometimes violent, government-run public schools that feed a school-to-prison pipeline and keeps people trapped in high crime, mismanaged cities like Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, which typically have long been run by Democrats. Too often these unionized government employees — who are aligned with the Democratic Party and work to elect Democrats specifically to increase taxes and spending that favors them — get ludicrously high salaries and pensions that taxpayers are forced to pay, sometimes even causing cities and states to go bankrupt. This cronyism and abuse of power is the real fruit of Democratic Socialism, and why it’s become critical to stand with President Trump to fight against it:

“America was founded on liberty and independence — not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a Socialist country.”

— President Donald J. Trump (2019 State of the Union Address)

I think free market competition leads to innovation and the creation of new industries, jobs and wealth. And to me this is what Capitalism is all about. I’ll go even further: I think the US became a superpower because of Capitalism, because companies like Ford, Coca-Cola, Disney, UPS, General Electric, The Home Depot, Boeing, ExxonMobil, and Apple were able to grow the economy and employ millions of Americans. This is America at its greatest: providing jobs, goods, and services that improve everyone’s standard of living. Other countries don’t produce world-renowned brands in the quantities that the United States has, nor the prosperity that comes with it. When Democrats over-tax and over-regulate US companies, they attack American jobs and American wealth, which weakens the United States. When Republicans ask voters to “Make America Great Again,” they mean to return to an era when Detroit was a manufacturing powerhouse, known as Motor City — home of Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler — and the Paris of the Midwest, because of the beautiful architecture and widespread affluence, and not the blighted city high in crime and poverty that we see today.

Also, when Democrats give support to illegal immigration they are encouraging the exploitation of migrant workers, helping to break up families, perpetuating an underclass — a second class citizenry in the US — with heavy racist undertones that keeps people locked in generational poverty for the benefit of large farms, meat packing facilities, poultry processing plants and the like that should be paying American workers higher wages with better work conditions instead. And the truth is that a lot of the illegal drug trade, which has devastated large parts of the US, causing tens of thousands of Americans to die every year from opioid addiction, comes because of porous borders that allow heroin and illicit fentanyl from Mexico to flood the US. Human trafficking, which is modern day slavery, is also allowed to persist because of uncontrolled open borders. Protecting illegal immigration, as the Democrats do, is also unfair to the people waiting in line to enter the country legally. I don’t think the Democrats are morally on the right side of this issue.

As a matter of fact, I see the Democrats as basically corrupt because they make deals like Biden has done with credit card companies, or China, or Ukraine that benefit their families and friends at the expense of taxpayers and the interests of the public. It should not be acceptable to anybody that Biden’s relatives have repeatedly enriched themselves by being given millions of dollars in US federal government contracts, tax-payer backed loans, and political access that completely undermine any semblance of fair competition. Moreover, when the effects of policy are examined, few things have been worse for the poor and middle class than Joe Biden’s work to make it harder for financially distresssed consumers to declare bankruptcy and discharge their credit card debt with his 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act. This is one of the clearest examples of cronyism, from “the Senator from MBNA,” benefitting credit card executives at the expense of the public at large. This law forced households to prioritize paying off their credit card debt over their mortgages, thus leading millions of Americans to lose their homes to foreclosures during the subprime mortgage and financial crisis of 2008, which caused an economic recession that cost 9 million jobs and a decline of $13 trillion in U.S. household net worth. This bill additionally ensured that private student loans could not be discharged in bankruptcies, thus exacerbating rising tuition costs because loans incentivize colleges to increase student charges, since they are confident that students, or the government in the case of government loans, will be forced to pay them.

In contrast, President Trump has donated 100% of his salary to different federal agencies, while his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, have worked as unpaid Advisors.

At the end of the day, there can be no doubt that Trump has fought to make the lives of Americans better and the country economically stronger by working to create better-paying jobs at home and trying not to send American troops to die on foreign soil. I think this is right.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is an apologist for China, will likely accelerate the US dependence on China, and encourage further aggression from China, which steals intellectual property from American companies, deals dishonestly in trade, and conducts cyberattacks against the US:

Trump is the only world leader standing up to China, which is also a very corrupt, human-rights abusing Communist regime.

The people, of course, are completely different, especially those in the US. Many people from China are the kindest most generous people I’ve ever met.

And if you are inclined to believe that Trump is racist, then what do you make of Joe Biden’s aggressive pursuit of putting large numbers of black men in prison and his collaboration with Segregationists to do so:

Trump, on the other hand, set out to undo the mass incarceration that Democrats implemented—which many consider to be human rights abuses for the disproportionate and heavy-handed treatment of non-violent offenders, whose lives, families, and communities were devastated by prolonged incarceration. Trump signed into law the First Step Act criminal justice reform bill, which gives judges more leeway in sentencing, reduces penalties for drug offenses, and helps former inmates rejoin their communities:

So please, vote to re-elect President Donald J. Trump.

Thank you.

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