You are correct that pro-libertarian is pro corporate America. And that is a great thing!

No To Big Government
Liberation Day
Published in
1 min readNov 13, 2017


Corporations are the providers of jobs; of products that improve people’s lives, like washing machines and computers; of wealth. Anyone can profit-share by buying stocks of public companies. Capitalism is not the enemy, but socialism, the forced redistribution of wealth by unseen bureaucrats, is a real danger. Pro-libertarian is also pro individual rights. No individual should be forced to do anything by anyone. That is a violence. Libertarians support limited government to restrict the ability of the police state to invade privacy, to steal from the public, to waste taxpayer funds on pork projects. Libertarians are not anarchists. Part of supporting limited government includes regulations to protect workers, to protect the environment, to establish a safety net for the very poor and invalid. Blindly supporting a Big Brother or Nanny State or Police State government means that you give up civil liberties for pitiful handouts. Charities do a better job helping people in need than the government. Increasing the size and scope of government means increasing the likelihood of corruption. A big pot of someone else’s money is too tempting for most politicians.

What is Liberation Day?

