At Last a Victory for Truth and Justice

Anti-Zionist Views Qualify as a Protected Belief in the Workplace, under the UK Equality Act

Aza Y. Alam
Liberation Works
7 min readFeb 29, 2024


Zionism personified. Many Pro-Palestine students and working people have been threatened with suspensions and dismissal for their criticism of Zionism/Israel’s openly genocidal bombardment of Gaza, as the expression of a racist ideology.

Professor David Miller is an academic in the UK, specialising in the study of state and corporate propaganda, public relations and lobbying. He was employed by the University of Bristol as a Professor of Political Sociology, until 1 October 2021. On that day he was dismissed following a long-standing campaign by pro-Israeli students. They claimed that his stance on Israel made them uncomfortable. The notion that being critical of Zionism amounts to being anti-semitic was the clarion call for the hate that descended upon him.

The severe harassment and multiple calls for his dismissal over the course of several years, reveals the stresses and strains that many people in the Western world face, should they dare to disrupt the prevailing narrative of Israeli victimhood and advocate for justice, fairness, and equality for Palestinians.

Made-up accusations of anti-semitism are used to silence people. It is one of the major tactics of Zionists to instil fear and gain compliance with their agenda. But thankfully, Professor Miller refused to be cowed into submission.

I have personally known of teachers who were intimidated, and bullied, became very ill and thus were effectively silenced by discriminatory managers and administrators at several colleges I worked at, in the U.K.

One of the major delusions that is systematically fostered in the Western, NATO-allied nations is that there is freedom of speech, of conscience and respect for human rights.

In actual fact, time and again, I have both observed and I have directly experienced that anyone going against the mainstream definitions supported by the hierarchy and power structure of the U.K establishment, gets targeted for harassment and what amounts to economic terrorism.

I must testify, from my own personal experience over some two decades, that dissidents in the U.K are subjected to all manner of ‘detrimental treatment’, from being isolated and ostracised, with colleagues being scared to seen talking with them, to promotion opportunities being denied, to disciplinary actions being taken on false or vexatious grounds and if the person continues to be non-compliant, they will be sacked on some pretence or other. Yes, Dear Reader I know whereof I speak.

Professor Miller successfully claimed discrimination based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist, imperialist, and colonial.

Professor Miller also asserted that he had been unfairly dismissed. He was represented by the law firm, Rahman Lowe with the legal arguments made under the terms of the Equality Act 2010. In early February, the ruling was finally made in Professor Miller’s favour.

This judgment is a major victory in that it establishes for the first time, that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace.

Rahman Lowe’s partner Zillur Rahman, who has represented Prof Miller, explains:

“This is a landmark case and marks a pivotal moment in the history of our country for those who believe in upholding the rights of Palestinians. The timing of this Judgment will be welcomed by many who at present are facing persecution in their workplaces for speaking out against the crimes of the Israeli state.”

The comprehensive 108-page judgment (sourced here) by Regional Employment Judge Rohan Pirani, of the Bristol Employment Tribunal ruled in favour of Prof. Miller, establishing that he had experienced discrimination based on his philosophical belief and had been unfairly dismissed by Bristol University.

Such a significant ruling, bears repeating: This judgment is a major victory in that it establishes for the first time, that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace.

It’s ironic that it is so very rare for those from the legal profession to abandon the tone of neutrality and pretensions of ‘balance’, and instead, speak unequivocally for Justice. So let’s hear directly from this unusual lawyer, Zillar Rahman:

I am delighted for our client, David, who has been vindicated. His courage in fighting against the vicious campaign that was waged against him by Zionists within and outside the university, now sees him as a trailblazer for others that will follow. What is interesting about this case is that when David expressed his beliefs about Zionism which led to him being dismissed, they weren’t that widely known. However, the genocide Israel is committing at present, has woken the world up to the very belief David holds and was manifesting, which is that Zionism is inherently racist and must be opposed.

Prof Miller commented:

I also want to note that this verdict is a massive vindication of the approach I have taken throughout this period which is to say that a genocidal and maximalist ideology like Zionism can only be effectively confronted by a maximalist anti-Zionism. Apologies, debate, and defensiveness of the sort illustrated by many on the left, and even in the Palestine Solidarity movement will not work. The Zionist movement cannot be negotiated with. It must be defeated.

I want to thank the court, Regional Employment Judge Pirani and the two panellists Ms Kaye and Mr Launder for the professional way that proceedings were conducted.

I want to thank my legal team Zillur Rahman of Rahman Lowe and Zac Sammour of 11KBW for their strong commitment to defending the right to be anti-Zionist from the outset”.

At the present time, while a horrific level of destruction and sheer slaughter, indicating genocidal intent on the part of the Israeli Occupation Force, is being perpetrated in Gaza, we have M.P’s not only failing to join all the other nations at the security council, calling for a ceasefire (bar their Whyte supremacist cousins, the USA) but on top of this monstrous complacency, they are trying to intimidate people at pro-Palestinian marches who are protesting the mass slaughter of innocent civilians.

Who vetoes ending a genocide? Those who historically and to the present day, are seeking to benefit from settler-colonialism and refuse to see the immorality and illegality of a system of apatheid based on religion/race.

Our lawmakers, the M.P’s who are supposed to be representing us, are busy reprimanding the police in London who did not stop some words being flashed onto Big Ben. The words were, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

Parliamentarians, worrying about a slogan, a few words projected onto a building during one protest? Is this how low you need to stoop, to please those who are lining your pockets? Or is it that you are the lunatics who have taken over the asylum?

I believe all those who have failed to call for a ceasefire, and are engaging in such nonsensical distractions, are thereby complicit in the ongoing genocide in Gaza. This means surely, they are in contempt of international law?

In his article ‘Message to an Israeli soldier’, John Wright writes that:

Starved, besieged, yet unbowed, the Palestinians of Gaza can do nothing except endure as your bombs and your missiles rain down on them, targeting hospitals, schools, civic buildings, homes, police stations, and even UN compounds where people sought sanctuary — still believing, despite decades of disappointment and betrayal, in the sanctity and protection of international law.

Following the third veto by the USA concerning the call for a ceasefire concerning the onslaught on Gaza, I wonder if here in the U.K, the lawmakers can be charged with ‘dereliction of duty’ both in terms of their failure in representing U.K citizens’ opposition to the Zionist ideology that supports Israel’s genocidal actions, as well as their obligation to uphold international law?

Can we not initiate some sort of class action against all the Members of Parliament who claim to represent we the people; including the hundreds of thousands of people up and down the country, many of whom have been sacrificing their time and energy multiple times a week, for the past five months, demanding an end to the slaughter of innocent civilians?

This ruling by the Employment Tribunal is surely significant; both as an assertion of upholding human rights and ALSO in exposing and refuting the fascism of the Zionist superiority complex.

Silencing dissent and assassinating those who oppose them, have been the terror-based tactics of the Zionists for decades. Then to add insult to injury, they have projected their own despicable conduct on those whose lands and homes they been stealing and taking over.

Let us use every means we have, in our workplaces, on the streets, in the courts and with our political representatives, to stop their machinations and end this totally destructive, dehumanising ideology.

The righteousness of the Palestinian cause, calls out to the humanity in each person.

After some 80 years of Zionists crying victim while viciously terrorising unarmed Palestinians, threatening Jewish people actually living by the Torah’s teachings, and seeking to silence Holocaust survivors who oppose their suffering being weaponised to exploit and genocide others, the world needs to understand that to be anti-Zionist, is to be pro-human.



Aza Y. Alam
Liberation Works

Exploring the entanglements of gender, race and class during this era of the Eurokleptocene. Let’s do better, one story, one learning, one comment at a time.