Liberation Works

A new publication seeking for the insights that matter

Aza Y. Alam
Liberation Works


Our caves can be comforting as Plato explained. Photo by Lê Tân on Unsplash

The first part of this article describes what this new publication ‘Liberation Works’, will be about and the kind of themes we are looking to explore and address.

Then at the end of the article, there is a description of how to be added as a writer for ‘Liberation Works’.

So why did I feel the need to start this publication, Liberation Works’?’.

For some decades we who live in the Western, so-called ‘developed’ societies, have been led astray.

Under the guise of equality, we’ve been told that there is your truth, here is my truth, over there is their truth and who is to say which is the overarching truth?

This chitter chatter of well-paid intellectuals comfortably sitting in their university chairs, has let loose these modernist/postmodernist strands of thought like a virus, undermining people’s confidence and faith in even believing they are under a moral duty as human beings, to ascertain the truth of a matter. This means paradoxically, that so-called experts can give their views and the rest of us, struggling to make a living and just pay our bills, end up swallowing most of whatever the elites who hire the experts, want us to believe.



Aza Y. Alam
Liberation Works

Exploring the entanglements of gender, race and class during this era of the Eurokleptocene. Let’s do better, one story, one learning, one comment at a time.