Soothing Ourself with Music…

A song of love and longing with an international cast

Aza Y. Alam
Liberation Works
Apr 24, 2024


Screenshot form the You Tube Video -sadly do not know the name of this musician or his instruement. But respect and appreciation!

We need moments of respite. And for me, that comes from doing yoga, being in nature and listening to music. Just even a song or two… calms down the nervous system that has been affected by the sight of evil-doers greedily pursuing wealth and power.

So here is the medicine of music… a song of love and longing, combining words in three language scripts and musicians from Nepal, Africa, the Czech republic and Pakistan.

A big thank you to all involved including those doing the translating, from Urdu to english.

A tenderness and feeling of beauty in unity

So here is the beautiful voice of Ayesha Omer, the back up singers, perfectly poised musicians and the genius of the producer Rohail Hyatt pulling it all together.

I hope you are also soothed, strengthened and uplifted.



Aza Y. Alam
Liberation Works

Exploring the entanglements of gender, race and class during this era of the Eurokleptocene. Let’s do better, one story, one learning, one comment at a time.