How to Build a Culture of Psychological Safety

Practical ways to start building trust and collaboration

Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture


Overcoming fear — Pic by Zach Savinar

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax, and float.”
― Alan Wilson Watts

Psychological safety is the foundation of high-performing teams.

Google research shows it can make or break a team. When people don’t feel safe, they are less inclined to take risks. Fear prevents employees from speaking up, providing honest feedback, or sharing their ideas.

Trust, curiosity, and confidence — on the other hand — broaden our mind. Research by Barbara Fredrickson shows that positive emotions encourage divergent thinking and creativity.

I’ve written a lot about psychological safety, how to build a fearless culture, and how to develop a safe workplace. Today, I want to share actionable tips to encourage trust and participation.

Let’s make it safe to speak up. Trust is like water. We don’t see it, but it’s there. Your team should relax and float.

1. Increase Self-Awareness



Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture

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