How Americans Came to Distrust Science

Libertarian-Socialism: American Style
7 min readOct 8, 2018


“white microscope on top of black table” by Ousa Chea on Unsplash

Americans have devolved from one of the most rationally, scientific people on the planet to one of the most distrustful of science. Libertarian-Socialism recognizes that this is a dangerous and untenable situation. Science is the basis of the modern world. It cannot be rejected, because it does not adhere to a political agenda. Like everything in America, politics and money has polluted science and corrupted it.

The world finds it difficult to grasp the American scientific devolution from most rational to one of the least rational nations on earth. It is especially baffling for those on the outside looking in after the United States had been instrumental in marshaling global support for environmental laws to curtail pollution. American environmental law founded in hard scientific data, became the basis of global law implemented at the United Nations.

A coalition of environmentalists and scientists got traction in the middle of the last century pointing out the fragility of the global environment. They sounded the alarm on industrial and agricultural pollution. Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring had a large impact on opinion as it related to pesticide use. Of course, the deadly smog choking large cities like London got people’s attention as well. Prevention of ozone layer destruction was also clearly a political movement based on real scientific data…

