Journalists Are Responsible For Their Reputation in America

Libertarian-Socialism: American Style
4 min readJun 29, 2020

Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow and David Brinkley set a very high bar. Nonetheless, journalism is no longer held in high esteem by American society. Often journalists will complain about this but frankly they are responsible for the destruction of their own reputations. During the halcyon days of the 1990s journalists participated in a REAL witch hunt against a sitting president.

When the independent counsel could not find anything in his Whitewater investigations of the Clintons despite having 20 years of tax returns at his disposal, he went on a fishing expedition. After poring over two decades of tax returns all Ken Starr reveals is the fact the president and his wife have a shitty marriage. We also learn the Clintons must have AMAZING accountants, but that is hardly a crime. The media were getting great ratings so they piled on the wounded presidency and played up a non-story.

Journalists should have been pointing out how fruitless this “witch hunt” was. They should have pointed out how it was blocking any real business being done in the country, like fixing a deteriorating healthcare situation. Instead they made it worse with stories of knee pads and interns. They became a carnival of clowns instead of journalists.

Following directly upon this journalistic fiasco in the nineties, journalism completely falls on its face. The 2000 election should have produced ONE story about how previously disputed elections had gone to the House of Representatives. In 2002 and 2003, journalism could have stopped the catastrophic invasion and occupation of Iraq but instead they beat the drums of war. In 2004 election, there are enormous statistical anomalies in the exit polling versus reported counts, but nary a peep from the “journalists” is heard.

Apparently, the job of journalists in America is not to report the truth. It is not to research and investigate so as to report facts which the average citizen cannot easily glean for themselves or to provide expertise to interpret world events. These are not the tasks for journalists in America. The task for journalists in America is to get ratings to make money for their masters and to breathlessly parrot the establishment narrative when called upon to do so by their masters masters. Everyone with a brain knows this now. There is bias in media but it surely is not a liberal bias.

Any doubts of this should be evaporated by a consideration of the Obama birth certificate controversy. When Obama ran against John McCain there was reporting about McCain’s citizenship being based on a birth OUTSIDE the United States. John McCain had been born in the Canal Zone so it was kind of interesting factoid. In 2016, Presidential Ted Cruz was also revealed to have been born OUTSIDE the United States but journalists assured us this was NOOOO problem because his mother was an American citizen.

You see if your mom is an American citizen, you are immediately an American upon birth. It does not matter where that birth occurred. If your mother is an American citizen YOU ARE AN AMERICAN! It has been this way since the beginning. You could be born at the North Pole or at sea or on Mars and if your mother is an American then you are an American. It is so very simple we were told in 2016. Ted Cruz was an American and he could run for president.

However, what was not explained was how there could be so much hyperventilating about Obama’s birth certificate when his mother was an American. Without a doubt, Obama’s mother was an American. There was never any doubt of this fact. Ergo his birth location NEVER mattered.

Do you UNDERSTAND???????? As stated earlier concerning Ted Cruz’s citizenship — You could be born at the North Pole or at sea or on Mars and if your mother is an American then you are an American. Theoretically, one could also be born in Indonesia or Kenya as well and be indisputably American! How could Obama’s birth certificate reading Hawaii or not reading Hawaii have mattered given this indisputable fact? You will have to ask the so-called journalists of America who should have been trumpeting this from the highest mountaintop.

Now they whine about being treated poorly and called carnival barkers. They want us to believe they are serious professionals and patriots seeking the truth. Clearly this is BS! The column inches, the audio minutes and the television time given to Obama’s birth certificate for eight years demonstrate the emptiness of journalism in America. Journalism in America is all about serving the money masters. It clearly is not about surfacing the truth and they deserve their reputation in this country.

If you want the truth in America, you must seek it out. You must search for alternative sources of news. These alternative sources can be tough to vet so I use the news OUTSIDE the country to help me understand what is going on here. Sad, but fairly effective since I was watching the Japanese get very upset about the Chinese shutting down the Wuhan province in October of 2019. None of this coronavirus stuff was really a surprise to me because I listened to journalists OUTSIDE the United States. I urge you all to do so as well because journalism in America is not what is used to be.

